Chapter 5- The Boy and the Lion

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-- Hey guys thank you guys for all the support and reads. i was kinda thinking it was bad and stop but thanks to some great people they have inspired me to keep writing so i say thank you very much :D--

Chapter 5- The Boy and the Lion

It is at first nothing, then grass grow in mere seconds. Mountains form, something that requires millions of years, happens in seconds From some small spots in the grass, tress form. The sky becomes blue and there is a sun that has put itself there. Animals appear from the horizon, but animals native to Africa

The Prideland.

The Place where humanity started. The place of my ancestors. The ones who hunted the wildebeest, the ones who stopped a stampede of them with a single roar.

There roars so mighty, so majestic.

So fierce, so wild. As majestic one minute, so demonic, so murderous.

The ancients were powerful helped humans evolve at first. Then they anger us. They hunted our brethren and used them for luxuries not necessities. Elders strike down many. After they were done they realized how much of monsters they were. After they stopped, talking to humans.

They faded away from history, like the sun.

Wait the sun? Looking up the sun that was there is now gone only darkness remains on the savanna. All the animals are gone and from the north, it approaches.

The Rage. The Roar. All different names for this force that inhabits me, but does not control me

The Lion. I must witness the cause of all my anger which fuels this beast that wishes to kill all i know.

There is a baby. His mother is crying.His father is not seen nor is his car or items. The Lion is sitting in the background. Smiling, no smirking.

 There is a boy at a bus stop. There is a girl. He tells her his love for her.  She insults the boy and reaches toward the boy and has something in her hand. His heart. It sets ablaze as boy stands and crys, no sobbing only tears. The Lion is chuckling.

The boy is sitting in a chair with teacher and principal. Teacher blames boy for boys friend death. Principal tells him why he didnt do anythiing? Boy is speechless. The Lion is laughing manically.

The Rage of Demons inside the boy. Memories flying past the boy sitting unfazed. In hand a lock of a bright red aura forms in his hands. The Lion snarls and backs away.

There is no where for you to run. 

The Lion pounces and then to flashes of red lights then to black..............

A girl. Beautiful and sweet. Walks to me and holds my hand and says "Its okay" As a feeling of relaxation overcomes me, I catch something of the corner of my eye.

The Lion attacks her. She is dead. As my tears sweep down my face they burn.They are no more tears, they are fire. It engulfs me in flames. The fire burns off my skin and as i look into a mirror. All I see is the Lion. I am the Lion.

I open my eyes. I find my room in a mess and me in tears. I hate how i have to see all that just to keep it locked. I check the time it is 10:00 p.m. I crawl into my bed and cry myself to relive myself of the memories. And her.

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