Chapter 19- Home

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-- Not much to say here. As always, Enjoy!!!! :D--

Chapter 19- Home

As me and Phoenicia walk out of the building, there is a car waiting for us. It is a small, slick black car. Enough room for four people. I open the door for Phoenicia, she says thank you and enters the car. As I get in, I see Joshua waiting at the front door of the building. "Good luck Phoenix, I will be seeing you soon.", he yells. We then leave. We are in an area with alot of trees. Most likely in the mountains or something like that. 

I try to stay up to figure out I got here, but I fall asleep. Not knowing how much time has passed, Phoenicia wakes me up. We are in front of my house. Wow how long was I asleep. I get out of the car, and the feeling of being home sick overcomes me. I run to the door and knock on the door as hard as I can. Waiting for my parents to open the door and to hug them, and show them how much I have missed them, nothing happens. I turn to the car and the driver walks over to me and hands me keys and walks back to the car and drives away with Phoenicia.

I realize that these are my house keys I had when I got sent to the hospital. I open the door, and there is no one in the living room. I run upstairs and search. There is no one up there also. I run down and as I pass the refrigerator. There is a note. It says,

Phoenix, your mother has been so stressed out so we went on a vacation so she could relax. We will be back soon. 

Love, Dad

As I sit down in a chair, a sense of abandoning overcomes me. Have they forgotten about me like how my dad did? No they wouldn't there my family they love me with all there hearts. Besides I don't want mom to worry. I go to my room and get some clean underwear and a towel. I need to shower, I stink.  After about 30 minutes, I get out of my refreshing shower and put some basketball shorts on for pajamas. I go to the kitchen to get some food. 

I notice a candle on the island in the kitchen. I take a look at it and after some thinking, I walk over to it. If I can easily make an explosion without any training, I should be able to lit this candle. I get in a pose and shake my arms. I move my arms into a yin-yang motion to gather the chi in the air. I then from a ball from it. Once I do that I begin to imagine the molecules in between my hands moving faster, and faster, and faster. Soon enough, heat begins to form between my hands. I then begin to place my hands before the wick of the candle. I imagine the hot air from my hands becoming hotterand hotter. The wick begins to burn lightly but then become brighter until it completely burst into flames. A sense of pride and joy overcomes me. 

There is a knock at my door. I walk over and look into the peephole of the door. It is Phoenicia and she has some luggage. I open the door. She says, "Hello Phoenix, I'm here to tell you that since your family is not going to be here I am going to stay with you." She then walks in with all her luggage. "Ummm I'm not sure you can stay here." I say awkwardly. I barely know this chick and shes moving into my house. "Sure it is besides makes my job of training you alot easier." , she says with a smile. "Uhhh okay I guess, Umm where do you want to stay"

She begins to walk around the house. She then goes upstairs and sees my sisters room. She gags for some reason. I ask, " Are you okay?" She says, "Too pink for my taste." I laugh at her comment. She then goes into my parents room and shakes her head. Of all the rooms she could choose, she decides to take the bottom bunk of my bed. Feeling awkward, I go downstairs to get her luggage. She then gets some of her clothes and heads off to the restroom to take a shower. 

I stay in my room and watch t.v. like the average American does every other day. Phoenicia then walks in with some Hello Kitty pajamas. I try my best not to laugh but she notices. She gives me a stern look and says, "Whatever you know there awesome." "Maybe. Hahahaha" She sticks her tongue at me and says goodnight. I look at my clock and notice it reads ten o'clock. I guess I should go to sleep too. 

As I lay there in my bed, I think about all of the events leading up to this moment. Almost killing someone, fighting with Chris, getting sent to the hospital, being kidnapped, and finally a stranger moving into my house. I guess this is what Joshua meant by "normal".

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