Chapter 36- Greed

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-- Hey guys hope your enjoying the story and your holidays. :D As Always Enjoy!! :D--

Chapter 36- Greed

As I get up from the floor, I finally see the creature. It is some sort of dog looking creature. It has a head that splits from the middle and shows rows of sharp teeth and makes a blood curling screech. I cover my ears in pain and it rushes towards me. It tackles me into the wall again and attempts to bite my face but I grab its legs and slam it against the wall. It screechs in pain and latches its rows of teeth onto my hand. I roar in pain and begin to slam it against different objects. Christina tries to remove it from my hand but its teeth digs deeper. "Get off of me you damn thing!!!" I yell with rage. I then finally fed up with it, light my hands on fire which in turn burns the creature. It lets go off my hand and crawls back into the shadows. I turn to Christina and say, "Grab the files and fast before it comes back!!"  

Christina grabs the papers and runs up the stairs and just before I can exit, the thing comes out and tackles me again. I get knocked over and turn around to see it pounce. Letting instincts take control, I grab it by its mouth. I then begin to rip the jaw apart. With ease, I do and throw the two pieces of the thing away. I walk up the stairs with snarls and grunts. Christina is just sitting on the couch casually reading the papers. She then hands me a paper quietly. I grab it and begin to read. The paper is talking about some sort of deal made. The person who owns this paper was payed a good sum of money to let them have something important. What exactly was this important thing though? The paper has the bottom ripped apart. Then Christina hands me another paper. 

This one says that the deal was complete and the transaction was made to the owners bank account. It also says that the package was actually a person. Then I see Christina's name under the package. She was sold off? Why would they? Christina is just looking at the floor trying to hide her tears. I then look at the paper one more time and see a name familiar. Joshua Davids. She was sold to Joshua?! Because her parents were greedy bastards she was sold off to a man who probably made her life look like shit so she would be loyal. That bastard will pay for everything he has done to my friends. Christina looks up to me and asks, "Phoenix can I ask you something?" I look at her and nod. "Am I just a experiment or am I really a person?" I look her right in the eyes and say, "You are a person. A very strong one and a beautiful one. Don't let others bring you down and most of all don't forget we are here to help you Christina." She smiles and wipes away her tears. 

Then I hear the turning of the door knob, but just as the door opens, an explosion tears apart the front of the house. Me and Christina are flung off of the couch and sent flying into the wall.  The couch falls over me and pins me. I then see men in combat gear walk inside the hole they created. One of them walks up to us and takes off their helmet. "Hello Phoenix. Glad to see you again" Allison says. "You piece of shit how dare you show your face to me after what you have done to me. Pray I don't kill you." She takes out a gun from her side holster and shoots me in my shoulder. I scream in pain as the bullet lodges into my shoulder blade. She laughs at my pain and I try to move but the couch is in a position to where it is lodged between the wall and the fireplace. They pick up Christina and begin to walk out. Then another one of the men pulls out some clay blocks of their satchel and places it around the walls of the house. 

They put up about five more around the house. I look on with a confused face and Allison crouches down and says, "That you little kitty is C4 plastice explosives. Made to blow things up to kingdom come." They then bring out oil containers and begin to pour the oil everywhere. "Oh yeah and just to be smartasses, were gonna make sure you burn before you get blown to nothing." Allison then lights a match and then tosses it into the oil. It ignites quickly and spreads fast. The fire shouldn't be able to set off the explosives but they can. I then focus on the fire moving towards me. I use it to burn the couch and weaken. I then easily smash through it and get up and gather the fire around me. Then I hear a click form outside. Before the explosion goes off, I create a shield of intense heat around me and brace for the force. A loud boom echoes through my body and become shell shocked but maintain the fire shield. Once the explosion is over, I disperse the fire and realize that I am standing in a crater.

I jump out of the crater and onto the street to see Allison and the others surprised. "I am not so easily killed, bitch." I then grab a piece of debris and throw it at her with full force, but she doges it easily. "You forget that I am not human Phoenix." She hands her gun to one of the soldiers and rushes towards me. She lunges but I grab her arm and easily break it. She howls in pain and I throw her back into the car. Christina manages to escape from them and runs over to me. They all then turns towards us and aim. "Now would be a good time for Richard to appear!!!" I yell to Christina. Then Christina gets in front of me trying to take all the bullets. "Noo!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell but too late.

Then I feel suddenly cold. I then notice that the men and there bullets are frozen solid. I see Christina just standing there with her arms forward and outspread. I tap her shoulder and she turns to me and smiles. "I'm not gonna lie. That was fucking awesome." She blushes and says, "Its my first time also." I then hear sirens in the distance and say, "Come on lets go home." She jumps on my back and we head off to the house, leaving the armed men to be discovered by the police. 

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