Chapter 11- The Lion and the Wolf, Part 2

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-- Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting alot. I had the dreaded case of writers block :( but now I'm good :D so enjoy!!--

Chapter 11- The Lion and the Wolf, Part 2

As I shake off the pain of the punch plus me getting flung into a wall, I began to walk back into the classroom. As Chris gets up I lunge at him. Right before I can make contact he back hands me. I break through a wall and into another room. As he walks through the hole he created, I get up and grab a desk and throw towards him. He smashes through it easily. 

It gives me the perfect chance to flip over him. I sweep kick him and as he falls I catch his legs and spin him and throw him out of the building. As he flys through the glass and into the other building, a piece of glass lodges deep into my arm. Feeling no pain, I rip it out and watch as my wound heals. I suddenly remember that I am still fighting. As I move on all fours to the building, I do not see Chris where he had hit the wall. 

As I begin to search for him, I feel a powerful kick to my back and hit the wall but not enough to break through. I turn with a growl and just barely doges Chris punch. He lodges his fist into the wall which I then tackle him through the building and into the open campus. There is no one here. They are most likely at the field. It is where we always go to when fires happen. As I am standing there in a primal pose, I feel myself and my body heating up. Chris then grabs a table and flings it at me. I react too late and try to jump over it but it hits me square in the gut. I feel no pain from  this either. As I get up I break the table in half and proceed to use the two parts as weapons. I lunge towards Chris to smash him with the table parts, but he dodges my attack. As I turn around he delivers a powerful punch to my chest which launches me halfway through the campus and into the cafeteria. I smell strong aromas when I get up and decide to hid to sneak attack the Wolf.

As Chris enters, I am crawling on the ceiling. I manage to cling on due to my immense strength and my newly sprouted claws. As he searches I stalk him as quietly as I can. He looks over one of the counters and I lunge at him and dig his claws into the back of his shoulder blades. He howls in pain and tosses me off his back and throws me into yet another wall. As I break through it I realize that I am now in the theater. He jumps to the stage and waits for me. As I pounce, I realize that the trap I have fallen into. He uppercuts me which sends me through the roof and as I am soaring back to the floor, I think. 

Why cant this just stop?

I hit the floor with great force creating a crater. Chris stands on top of me. He asks," Is that enough?"

The Lion yells, " THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH!!!!!!!" An explosion then erupts from the very spot where I lie. Chris is sent flying back to the stage. As I get up, I notice my hands are covered in fire and I feel no pain at all. As I gaze at them, I realize that my body is also covered in fire, yet no pain. 

As Chris gets up he stares at me amazed and surprised. As the Lion marvels at this new-foundability, I use this moment to strike. By gathering all of my chi and soul energy, I take control of my body for a small amount of time. I quickly then grab a piece of glass and make a deep lacerationthrough my arm where it had been originally cut. This whole fight has tired out my metabolism even if it has increased it will be enough to stop me. 

As the blood flows out of my arm unable to heal. I stumble and collapse. 

Okay maybe that was a bit too much. 

But my metabolism will still help me survive this. 

I hope.

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