Chapter 14- Serenity

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-- Hey guys hope you enjoyed my latest chapter and hope you had a great thanksgiving!! Enjoy!!--

Chapter 14- Serenity

As I lay back into my hospital bed, I think of things I could do to make the time pass by. I won't be getting out of this room for about two hours or so. I could meditate but I don't want anybody to walk in. I need to find something or I am going to die of boredom. 

As I am thinking of things to pass the time, I can't help but feel the horrors of that dream. It was surreal. The girl from my last dream was back. That's the thing that bugs me the most. I still have not figured out what she has to do with me. Whoever she is she must be important to both of those "dreams". 

Well I will have time in the future to piece it together. For now I will use this time to just relax and watch some t.v. I grab the t.v. remote on a stand  close to my bed. As soon as I turn it on, I am flipping by channels. I stop when I see That's 70s Show on. As I am watching this, the girl pops up in my head distracting me from this awesome show. Once it ends, there is nothing else on so I just turn off the t.v. 

Great now I have nothing else to do. I could always explore the hospital, but I don't want Allison to scold me. I decide not to. As I just stare at the roof, I begin to wonder about something. Why would Allison say that all of a sudden. She went from cheerful to completely serious in about five seconds. Oh well, I'll ask her about that later. 

I try to sleep but I can not because I don't want to see that girl again. Who knows what will happen this time ago? Again, the chills hit me. I then try to listen to my environment but all I hear is doors closing and opening, people walking by, and heartbeat monitors. Well it's better than this place being dead silent. 

With a sigh, I then just sit down bored. Suddenly, I remember something about the fight. I remember that I was crawling on the ceiling and attacked Chris and after that I can't remember. Damn, I was hoping I would remember more. Trying my hardest to remember, I get no results unsurprisingly. 

I lay back and just let my imagination run wild. 

My good imagination, not the crazy, murderous one.

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