Chapter 22- A Lioness Past

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Chapter 22- A Lioness Past

The day has zoomed by and it is now sixth period. I am trying to explain how the stock market crashed in the 1920s but she is too confused. "You need to learn this soon we have a test tomorrow Phoenicia." I say. She says, "I know Phoenix but its so confusing we'll just finish this at home." I just shrug and agree. The bell rings signaling our freedom at least till tomorrow. Me and Phoenicia head to where I usually hang out after school until Gavin's sister gets to the school. Except there is a problem. Gavin's car doesn't have enough space for Phoenicia. 

We are there sitting at the base of the flagpole. I turn to Phoenicia and say, "Hey is that chauffeur guy still here? Because if not were walking." She just points off ahead and I turn to see the driver roll up to the school. We leave and in no less than 15 minutes, we are at my house. When I get out of the car, I remember to ask about Phoenicia. As I pull out my keys, Phoenicia is already at the door. "Damn you move fast." She just shrugs and I open the door. "Ladies first." I say. She walks in and I close the door behind me. First thing she does is jump on the couch and lays down. I ask, "You having fun? Haha." She just turns to me, puts her arms behind her head and sticks her tongue at me. I shake my head and sit down next to her.

I notice her eyes are a very beautiful green color. She sits up and says, "So what is it?" She surprises me with this. I say, "I wanted to ask about your past like how did you end up in that group Joshua runs?" She turns to me and takes off her jacket and with a sigh, begins her tale. "You see Phoenix unlike you I was not born into being a werelion," "You were?" I ask in a curious tone. She nods and continues, "yes, I was human when I was a little girl. I had an ordinary childhood. Then my family died in a car accident." She says this with a sad tone. I try to comfort her but she just shrugs me off. "I'm fine. All tears have been released in the past. So then I ended up in an orphanage at 12. Then Joshua found me. Out of all the kids he could have picked, he picked me, the weak, little girl."

I just sit there dazed in her tale of her life. "After he adopted me, he then told me about what he was and what he wanted to do to help his kind. I then asked him to turn me into one of your kind." I ask her, "Why would you? I'm just curious." She says," Because I didn't want to be the weak little girl. I wanted to be a powerful creature. So after I became a werelion, he trained me to become a warrior. So for years he was my mentor, my father if you will." I know that feeling. She continues," Once I was a skilled warrior and we had gathered our created enough of our kind to begin our main purpose. That purpose was to find you and others like you. You are pure in our genetic code. Your children will be the new generation to help our species to survive and thrive. So all of this has lead up to this moment." 

I tell her, "So I'm supposed to be our kind's savior?" She nods and says, "It is the will of the Ancients."  I sit there confused and say, "Ancients?" "The Ancients were the original Lions who were all as powerful as you. There main goal in there lives was to help our species thrive and prosper." All of a sudden, my phone vibrates. I check it to see I have a text message. It is from Jamie. It reads: Are you going to the winter formal?

I just close my phone. I'll text her back later, this is too important.

"So Phoenicia, now that I know about your personal life, what about your romantic life?" She just looks away and says, "I have never really had much feelings for people. Besides most men don't have what I see as perfect." I ask, "What do you see as perfect?" She turns to me and says, "Powerful, compassionate, and caring." 

Her smile is amazing. Now that I have a good look at her face, she is very beautiful. She  then giggles at me. I don't realize that I have blushed a little. I look away to hide the redness. Then suddenly, an idea pops into my head. "Hey Phoenicia, can I ask you something." "Sure what is it?" She says.

"Ever heard of a dance?" 

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