Chapter 24- Meditation

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--The Point of view is switching back to Phoenix. Hope you guys are liking the story. Please give meopinons about how my story is please? :) I would love to know if im doing good. As Always Enjoy!! :D--

Chapter 24- Meditation

Phoenix's P.O.V

I take a deep breath. Inhale......... Exhale. I do this multiple times until it goes into a rhythm. I close my eyes and clear my mind. All things in my head disappear. Except for one thing. 


I can see her beautiful flowing black hair. Her gorgeous green eyes. Her cute face and beautiful complexion. Behind her I see It

. The Lion is in a cage just watching. I walk over to it and tell the animal, "How does it feel to just watch? Im glad your locked up you bastard." It chuckles at me and says in a demonic voice, "You think I am going to be here forever? I will break out eventually and when I do, I know who to go after first." Phoenicia pops up into my head. 

I walk thorugh the bars and as I approach the Lion, it begins to turn into a human. Its about as big and tall as me. It looks up at me and its face is mine. I kick him in the face. "I am nothing like you. I will never become what you want me to be." I yell. "You will eventually boy. Every lock rusts and besides Chris will one day have to kill you." This catches me off guards. He laughs and says, "I can already feel the dread of you being killed by the one you look up to as a "father", he is just a monster just like you." 

I grab him by the neck and slam him against the bars of the cage. "Listen here you fucking sadisticpiece of shit. He will never do that. Do not disrespect him like that. You are lucky that I have not yet learned how to kill you." He trembles a little. I drop him and leave the cage. Before I leave, I hear him yell, "You will kill all that you love. Family, friends, and her...."

I open my eyes and find that I have not destoryed my room or hurt someone. I get up and walk downstairs and head to my kitchen to grab something to drink. I get a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper and chug it all down. The bell then rings. I walk over to the door and without looking into the peephole, I already know who it is. 

When I open the door, she is carrying a very big bag and box of shoes. Phoenicia smiles and walks inside the house. I then realize that I am not wearing a shirt. I forget about alot of things after I meditate. I run upstairs to grab a shirt. When I head back Phoenicia has already put the bag and shoes somewhere but I don't know where.

Am I really that much of a danger to the ones I care about? I know that the lock will break but that is why I have Chris and Joshua. Although I do not trust the latter that much. 

Phoenicia then heads upstairs and grabs some pajamas and changes. I stand outside my door to give her privacy. She then heads to the bathroom. I walk inside my room to change and notice Phoenicia's luggage. There is some sort of clothing sticking out of her bag. As I walk over and crouch down to put it back in the bag, I realize what it is.

A thong!?!? Why the hell is she wearing this?!? Oh god I know I have feelings for her but jeezus this is just ridiculous!! Okay calm down man just try your best to not to get in a situation where it getsawkward. Then I hear Phoenicia call my name. I swallow the fear and walk over to the door. "Do you have any spare toilet paper? There is no more."

Damn it just my luck. How the hell do I give her the toilet paper without it being awkward. Why me?! I run over to my laundry room and open a cabinet. There is a couple of rolls of toilet papers. I grab one and rush over to the door of the restroom. I then think all I have to do is just open the door and throw in the toilet paper. Thats genius!! As I open the door, I notice that she is not on the toilet thank god. Instead she is just barely getting into the shower. She turns towards me and then the shit hits the fan.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" She yells. "IT IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK I WOULD NEVER DO THAT OH DEAR GOD THIS IS BAD." She then throws the cover of the toilet seat which hits me clear in the head. It hits me so hard I can see the stars floating around my head. I fall back and then thump. It goes dark.

When I open my eyes, she has a towel covering her body. She picks me up by my collar and tells me in the meanest voice ever, "Do not try anything funny or I will kill you." As she walks away, I draw imaginary horns and pitchfork tail on her with my mind. I can't help but laugh. She turns and says, "What is so damn funny?!"  I just sit there quiet and say, "Nothing." She then slams the door of my room.

Great, I have been kicked out of my room. Oh well at least there is three other t.v.s in this house. As I jump onto my living room couch, I search for the remote. I find it under some pillows and I hit the button. The t.v. screen just reads:

Please make any payments due.

"DAMNNNNN IIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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