Chapter 29- Mfalme

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-- Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Spread the love people :) Thank you everyone who has been reading my story you guys give me the inspiration to keep writing. As Always Enjoy!! :D--

Chapter 29- Mfalme

"Mfalme, I am the Lion spirit which inhabits this boy. I am a warrior of ancient times." I say. So this is the Lion? "We finally found him. This boy is not only a Pyrophoros Blooded but his spirit animal isMfalme, a warrior of legend." Joshua's voice sounds filled with happiness through the speaker. His voice comes out from speaker saying, "Well Phoenix this is why you are so special do you see it? Now all you need is the will to do what is necessary." I laugh and say, "What the will to kill whoever you want dead or no wait to help our race?" Joshua chuckles echo through the intercom.

"There are enemies of our race and they threaten our survival. In order to ensure survival, we kill before being killed." They were right. He just wants to use me to advance himself as leader and I would be his weapon of mass destruction. "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't want to be your slave."  Joshau's voice once again comes through the speaker and says, "Fair enough. We will release your family. They will have no memory of their kidnapping and they will not remember a single thing about this." I turn to the screen and it shows the men with guns escorting my family out.

"All I ask of you is this Phoenix. You can let us separate your soul from Mfalme's or we will take it from your dead body." I laugh at his threat and say, "No because your just gonna bond him with someone who doesn't deserve this. If I was born like this then I shall carry out my duty to be his carrier." "Fine your decision." The sound of the intercom turning off echoes through the room.

Then one piece of the wall lowers to show stairs. Joshua and Phoenicia walk down from them and when they enter the room, the wall behind them closes back up. Joshua just cracks his knuckles and then runs towards me at blinding speeds. He jumps forward to punch me but I catch his fist. He then delivers a low roundhouse kick which trips me over. Before I can get up, he stomps on me with full force that knocks the wind out of me. He then applies more pressure to my chest and I can feel the tension straining on my bones and organs. If I don't get out of this he'll crush my ribs and squish my lungs and heart!!

Then I remember a situation that closely resembles this. When me and Chris were fighting he was standing directly above me and then I created an explosion that sent him flying away. If that explosion can send Chris flying, I wonder how far it will send Joshua. I close my eyes and begin to gather all of the energy surrounding me. Joshua notices me close my eyes and says, "Already giving up, what a pathetic creature." I ignore him and imagine that the energy is black powder. I then ignite the fuse and then all I hear after is a very loud boom. The explosion is much stronger than last time and sends Joshua flying across the opposite end of the room. As I get up, I notice that Phoenicia is still standing there. 

I run over to Phoenicia and put my hand on her shoulder and she looks into my eyes. "Look Phoenicia, I know he might be your father figure but he is not one. He just wants to further himself, not you not me not our race. Besides he isn't the only one you can rely on anymore." I give her a warm smile and hold my hand out so she can grab it. She is at first hesitant and then reaches her hand forward, but before we touch Joshua tackles me. He sends me quite far away from Phoenicia. "Well Phoenicia I guess your leaving me also. Oh well at least I don't have to take care of a weak, pathetic excuse of a creature." She growls at him and lunges but he backhands her.

I see him do this and then suddenly, I feel my muscles expand, my canines grow and my eyes change. I dash towards Joshua at blinding speeds and throw a powerful punch to his jaw which sends him flying against the wall. Before he can get out of the crater in the wall, I tackle him into the wall with full force. He just falls to his knees and I kick him in the face which makes him fall over. I then get on top of him and deliver punch after punch after punch. His face becomes more bruiseand bloodied with each punch. "You will not kill me. You are weak. You do not have the will." He says while laughing. "Try me." In a voice reminiscent of a demon. I pull my arm back but before I can deliver the killing blow, I feel soft and warm hands holding back my fist. I turn to see who it is.

It is Phoenicia. She has a big, purple bruise under her right  eye which cause me to snarl at Joshua. She manages one of signature warm smiles. "Let's leave Phoenix" She says while tugging me away from Joshua. I get up but before we leave I turn towards Joshua and grab him by his collar and push him against the wall. "You leave me and her alone. The same with my family and friends. If not then I think I'll let Chris know about these problems." He trembles in fear when I mention Chris and nods his head. I then throw him across the room and into a wall. Right as me and Phoenicia are about to head to the hallway, guards come from multiple hallways. They are all armed with assault rifles. Joshua gets up and laughs and says, "Did you really think your gonna leave here alive?"

Then a bang is heard. I close my eyes and cover Phoenicia from the bullets. Yet nothing hits me. I turn to see the gurad who shot. The bullet is barely leaving the barrel and is traveling very slow. Phoenicia also notices it. Then a familar voice grabs our attention. "See the thing about a chronokinetic, especially a young one is that they can only stop or rather slow down time for so long, that it doesn't last long." Richard says while walking past us. That is my cue to jump out of the way and towards Richard while carrying Phoenicia. We walk into one of the hallways where some of the men entered. At the end there is key code lock Richard just waves his hand and the buttons press themselves. "Wait how did you do that?" I ask with a lost face. "I can make some objects age or become younger. Just think of that but on a different level." I nod after sort of figuring out what he means.

We enter a garage of some sort and there is a SUV waiting for us. Someone from inside the car opens the door and reveals them self to be Jasmine. "Hurry up kitty cat, we don't have all day." she says with a mean tone. I place Phoenicia on her feet and help her into the car. I then notice behind me that Richard is about to fall over. I catch him before he does and ask, "Hey are you okay?" "I'm fine but I'm too tired to control it. We have to leave now." I nod my head and jump into the car. Richard gets into the passenger seat and the driver, who is Kyle, hits the gas and we zoom off away from the building. "How did you guys find me?" I ask with a hint of relief. He points to the back of the car and I turn to find Danny in the back seat. "Hey buddy oh yeah I forgot to mention I created a metal tether rope so just in case. Hope your not mad about it." he says with a chill voice. "It's fine man. Thank you Richard." I bow my head a little in respect. 

"My pleasure. Now time to head home." Richard says. We then get onto the highway and head back home. This is not over. I know it. It has barely started. But at least I'm not alone. I know have my family, a new group of powerful friends and her. This all started with me and I intend to finish it.

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