Chapter 15- Deceit

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-- Hey guys this chapter is gonna be from the nurse, Allison's point of view. Enjoy!!--

Chapter 15- Deceit

Allison's P.O.V.

 That child is strange. He is full of such imense power and ferocity yet he is one of the friendliest person you could know. Does he fully realize the true scope of his power? Apparently not.

As I hand a medical file to a doctor, I also wonder why he chose such a strange response to my statement. Most people would have said I don't know or something of the sort, but with him no. Well then again he is different than most people. I go along my way completing my tasks but can not help but wonder?

Why did he act so casual about me explaining the situation to him? That explaination was easily not a good one yet he still belived it completely though. "What a stupid child." I say to myself. Is he truly the one that I was told of to keep on eye on? He does not show it. He cannot be a true lion. He is too kind. 

It is a sign of weakness in this world. So what if he destoryed half a school campus and started a fire with his very being? Many of our kind can do that easily. Yet it takes many months even years of mastering those things, but it only took him a mere second to channel this. He is indeed a force to reckon with, maybe not generally, but on the battlefield he is able to rival the world's most powerful werewolf .

In my pocket, I feel my phone vibrate. I open it and see I have a message.

How is the boy?

I type back, He is making a very fast recovery than expected of a regular subject of our species. I hit enter and put my phone back into my pocket waiting for a reply. It is not long after when I get the message. Wonderful, does he remember anything about his battle with the werewolf?

Barely, he needs more time to remember the rest of the battle. Sir, I also have a question?

I hit send, and recieve another message after.

Yes what is it, Allison?

I type, Is he truly the one we are looking for?

The message I get after sending this says, He is the one, if you don't not belive me, I will show you the video of there fight that our recon team recorded. 

I am suprised that the recon team was able to get footage without them being spotted by the wolf or the boy. I type, Very well Sir, I shall report anything else I notice about him. 

I do not get a response after 10 minutes. He probably is discussing with the others on how to move him from the hospital to there location. They will find a way they always do even, if the worlds most strongest werewolf is going to guard this boy. 

Why does this wolf care so much about this boy? I know that our kinds don't naturally get along together. There must be some secret motive behind this "friendship".

It is time for him to get dinner now. Time to fetch the cub.

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