Chapter 6- Evolution

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--Hey guys imma post about 3 more chapters then take a break. I need to brainstorm over the weekend. :P I promise to make the next chapters to be more intense than the first few chapters. Sorry for posting this so late, my sis was using the laptop but i got it :D.  Enjoy!! :D-- 

Chapter 6- Evolution

My eyes open. I look at the alarm, it says 5:00. I have another hour to get ready for school and I woke up early, great just great. As I get off the top bunk of my bed and jump to the floor, I notice something on the lower bunk.

It is my brother asleep. He is snoring and in a very awkward sleeping position to where is rear end is pointing up into the air. I laugh at how ridiculous he looks, when I accidentally bite my tongue.  A sharp pain overcomes my tongue, and i check if it is bleeding. It is and a lot. I go to the bathroom to check how bad the wound is. As I open my mouth to see my tongue, I see then cut taste buds slide together. The wound is gone, but how? I have accelerated healing, but I didn't know it was that fast. Dumbfounded by my increases healing, I also notice my canines have gotten a lot sharper. I feel the tip and it is razor sharp. Easy to rip flesh and bones off of creatures.

As the thoughts swirl in my mind, my hunger growls. I then head downstairs to eat some breakfast to shut up this whining belly. I open the pantry and for food. Nothing. Just canned meals which would take an hour to make. As I scan through the pantry, I catch something with the corner of my eye.

A figure. I could not catch a good glimpse of who or what it was. As I walk towards the door, I hear footsteps. Not from inside my house but outside. I open the front door and find nothing. I step outside to investigate. It is very dark outside it almost seems like its night. Good thing I can see through the dark with my advanced eyesight. As I walk onto the lawn, I take a deep breath. 

Fresh morning air. One of the best things about this time of day where there are not many cars polluting the air where it becomes dank and stale. I look around to find nothing. As I head back inside a thought comes to my head. Why not go for a little jog? 

Well if I'm gonna do that I at least got to get some shoes. I run inside and grab a pair of Nike sneakers. As I step outside, I slip them on. I began with a fast walking speed transitioning to a slow jog. I then began to increase my jogging speed and soon enough I am sprinting. As I am sprinting, I notice that I have passed around most of my neighborhood, which would usually take me more than three minutes, in about 30 seconds. 

As I am running, I hit a dead end but I do not stop. With a powerful leap, I clear the wall. I stop for a breather but as I am panting and sweating, thoughts race in my head. How the hell did i do that?? I could easily climb a wall but not clear it completely. Then a realization comes to me, while locking the Lion again, I also somehow managed to unlock more of my abilities but there was something else different. 

That girl. I have never seen her in my life before nor I have I seen her when locking the Lion up until last night. As I slowly jogged back home, I wondered if her appreance is what caused me to evolve. With a shake of my head, the thought disappears. She may not be the cause but she does have some special meaning and I must find out. No matter what.

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