Chapter 4- Rage

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--not really alot to say here so enjoy :D--

Chapter 4- Rage

"Great just great." said with sarcasm." Now I have to walk home. I could have taught him a lesson but oh well."

In about 20 minutes I get halfway to my home. As I've been walking, I have been texting multiple people including Chris and Brendan. A truck zooms by and makes a very loud screeching nose which brings a great pain to me. I have hearing better than that of a lion or human so you can pretty much know why that hurt like hell. 

As I round the corner of the Stater bros., I hear the voices of people who I just recently talked to, the group of jerks who tried to fight me. As much as I would love to, no I have more important things to do than beat a bunch of idiots. Out of nowhere a voice speaks to me, why? You would kill them easily. No  I'm not a killer. 


I reel around to see a fist coming towards me. With seconds to react, I simply take a step back and watch as his fist hits a tree. Feeling no major pain from it, he lunges to take another swing and with a simple step back he misses me. 

"Stop dancing around and fight me!!" He yells while in a stance with his fists up, high close to his face.

"If you insist" I take off my backpack and get into a boxing stance. Chris taught me boxing which I'm really glad he did. As he takes a swing, I dodge under it and hit him with a quick jab to his side. As he comes in for jabs i dodge them left, then right. As he pulls back for a strong swing, I come in close to him and hit him with a flurry of quick, strong jabs and immediately move back after. He starts getting angrier and angrier. He then charges at me and slams me to the ground. It knocks the wind out of me and too late to react, he gets on top of me.

"Well see who gets the broken jaw and nose now." Immediately after he starts hitting me with fierce strikes to the face. Again, and again, and again he hits me. I need to get out of this situation fast or else. I move my hands close together to block my face. As I do i feel a strong kick to my side. His posse has now circled me and beating me. Close to unconscious, I try one last thing. I close my eyes and unlock it.

As if possed by some demon I grab his fist and crush his hand with ease. As he starts to cry out in pain, his friends stop. I get up and grab one by the neck, deliver a powerful punch to the stomach and throw him at two of his other friends. As one starts to run away, I grab him by the leg and smash him against the concerete. As his face hits it, I hear the sound of cracking. 

There they lie, weak and defenseless easy to kill.

Do it become the lion that you are. 


I am not a monster. 

I grab my bag and sprint towards home. After getting inside, I notice no one is home. Good. I go to my downstairs bathroom and began to rinse the blood off of my face. As I finish I notice that my shirt and shoes also have blood on them. Damn I better clean these or else Im going to be screwed. I put my shirt in the washer and put in some detergent and set it on. Once that is said and done, I grab some shoe cleaner and a towel and began to work on my shoes.

Once I am done I go to check the time. It is 7:00. My parents still aren't home, I hope Alexander is fine. I take a shower and go to my room to  began my meditation. I turn the lights off and head into my mind to began to re-build the lock I put for the................


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