Chapter 8- Punishment

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-- Hey guys sorry I haven't posted recently. I have been very busy recently so I will do my best to upload daily. Enjoy! :D--

Chapter 8- Punishment

The bell rings signifying for us to go to lunch. Man that period was boring as hell. Could it at least be a little bit entertaining jeez. I walk past the kid I threw earlier. He had fear in his eyes. Not just regular fear, but the kind where he is looking death in the eyes.

Good. Tremble in fear lower being. An evil smirk befalls my face as I head to my table where the group hangs out. 

I see Christian wave to me, and I wave back to him. He says, "Whats up man?" "About to sit down haha." I reply. "Smart ass." He chuckles after saying this. Then the rest of our group arrives, as they each arrive, one at a time, we greet each other. So there we where all sitting together at the table like a bunch of average teenage friends like in the movies.

As we are all having our own mini conversations with one another, I hear someones heart beat from behind me. I turn to see the man. It is a police officer in his early twenties. He says, " Son come with me please." As he finishes saying this the rest of the table stops talking and just stares. I grab my things and say, "Where to?" He points to the office and we start walking. As we are walking there, I notice other students staring and saying things. One wonders if it was because I did drugs. Another says its because of the fight I got in. Wait a minute they weren't there for the fight it was secretive, there was no witness. He was hanging out with a crowd that day and only his posse followed. Maybe his friends stay behind and watched. As I finish that thought, I let out a sigh.

Great now I'm gonna be in trouble but oh well its just gonna be a suspension, it won't harm my police officer carrer besides im only 16, I could say I was young and reckless and they would belive that. The officer opens the door and motions me inside. We walk down the hall and into a door which says security on it. As I walk in the ones who I fought and almost killed, sort of, are sitting there. Great could this get any better. 

I regret saying this soon after the principal walks in. She takes a seat in front of me and says, "I always thought you were a good kid up until now."

"Sorry to disappoint." With a aggressive voice

The officer grabs my shoulder tightly. The Principal motion him to stop. I shrug the inferior beings hand.

"Anyways," she says " you have cause these boys alot of pain. A broken skull and jaw for one and severe injuries to the chest and back for the other. You do realize this could count as assault?" 

As she finishes this, I think of my career of a police officer. "No I didn't no but they started it though."

"Im aware of that but you didn't have to do that much. They could sue you for this but there kind enough to not press charges but the parents want some sort of punishment for this." 

As she is talking, I think of all the things that could happen to my future now thanks to my arrogance. "I know that as much as you would love to be on the police force sorry, but the state is restricting you from joining any academies or volunteer work. Anything related to law enforcement is done for you."

I sit there quietly, stunned. My whole future, my plans all gone in a matter of seconds. She thens motions the boys and police officer out. "You are free to leave." She says as she leaves with them. 

I do not leave. I sit there trying to hold back the tears and rage. Its all gone every hope I had gone. I wont be able to afford college. I wont be able to support a family. I wont be able to make my mom proud. 

Mom. I wonder what she will say to me. She will tell me how much of an idiot I am. She will most likely disown me. I have nothing to do. You might think well why not become a fire fighter?The answer is no. I grew up dreaming of becoming a police officer and no it will be is a dream.

Nothing more but a dream. A child's dream. 

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