Chapter 28- Guilt

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-- Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Let me know how im doing please? :3 Don't forget to spread the love people!! :D As always enjoy :D--

Chapter 28- Guilt

When I wake up, I feel like total shit. I sit on my bed with my head down. It was all my fault. I let it happen. I could have stopped him but no I didn't. Phoenicia wakes up and sees me just sitting there. She massages my shoulders to get me to relax. "It wasn't your fault Phoenix. He did it not you." She lays her head on my back. 

I remember when we got home I was just quiet. We went upstairs and changed into nightwear. I just put some shorts on but since its close to the end of December its cold as hell. I asked Phoenicia to sleep with me and I put my arm over her and we slept. It helped me sleep alot better. Yet it didn't get rid of the guilt. Phoenicia just rubs my back trying to help. "How are you feeling?" she asks while massaging me. "I don't know, I know it directly wans't my fault but I could of have stopped him but no." In a guilty tone.

She grabs my shoulder and makes me face her. Even in the morning she is beautiful. "Phoenix don't be like this it is not fit for a leader. Don't live your life with regret." She then leans in towards me. I lean in also and about an inch before we kiss, she backs away. I cannot help but feel hurt at this. "I'm sorry it's just we have to go see Joshua today and it would be weird if we...." I cut her off mid-sentence, "It's fine don't worry." I smile to assure her it is fine. As I walk out of the room to head downstairs, I yell out, "You still owe me a kiss though." All I hear is her laugh at me.

I head into the kitchen and grab some cookies for me and Phoenicia to eat. I head back upstairs and give her three and have three leftover for myself. "Oh yeah, the driver is alive and well." She says and finishes her cookies before me. "That's good." I say with a relieved voice. "So were going to see Joshua today?" I ask while chomping down on my cookie. She nods her head and heads to her luggage bag and grabs some some black jeans, a red shirt, and underwear or should I say "thong". She heads to the bathroom to change.

Guess that means I have to get ready also. I just grab a plain black v neck shirt, some nice jeans, and some underwear and hit my parents shower. I get out before Phoenicia does and put some red and black vans on and grab my venom hoodie with the giant white spider across the chest. Once we are all finished we head outside of my house. "So who is going to pick us up?" I ask. "A replacement driver is on the way." She says while fixing her jacket. Soon enough, the chauffeur arrives and we are on our way. This time I stay awake to see where we will go.

This time we head towards Palm Springs. We stop near a small town and head to the industrial part of it. We arrive at some sort of packaging factory. We get out and enter from the side exit. At first we are in a hallway littered with trash, but as we travel down the hallway there is a door at the end of it. It has a pass-code lock on the wall next to it. The driver puts in the code and the door opens. We continue until we hit a dead end. "So wait why are we here?" I ask. All he says is, "To test you".

Phoenicia walks up to me gives me a shot which is supposed to control my rage in case I get out of hand. She and the driver walk into another doorway and dissaper. I am just left standing there at the end of the hallway. Suddenly, a wall comes up from behind me and traps me. Crap is this the test? Then the floor heaves as if it is being lifted up. It is an elevator and now it is pitch black. Then at the top of the shaft there is a bright light. I shield my eyes to see if I can see what is waiting at the top. 

The elevator reaches the top and I am now in a wide open white room. I step off the mat that carried me up and walk towards the middle of the room. Then all of a sudden, a voice starts talking over one of the speakers in the room. "Are you ready for the test?" the person on the intercom says. I nod my head hoping a camera will see. Then from the other side of the room, a wall opens up to reveal my first test. It is some sort of machine, like a smaller, less armored version of a tank. It fires and I barely dodge the canister. It hits the wall behind me and the wall is without a scratch. I run towards the machine with amazing speeds. Before it can reload, I rip off the turret on it and swing it and hit the machine.

It flies to the other side of the room and explodes. That was fun. Bring me more. Then two of the walls lift up and show my next test. This time it is two men wearing riot suits. Then suddenly one hands sets aflame while the other grows spikes from his knuckles. I wonder what kind of supernatural can makes its bones grow.  They run towards me and the fire handed one swings at me but I catch his fist and give him a powerful counterattack. I hit him square in the chest and he falls down, knocked out.

The other rushes towards me and throws punches that I dodge with litte trouble at all. Then he cuts me with his bone blades. My skin patches together very quickly. He throws a jab which I catch and break his bone blades off. He yowls in pain and I give him a quick knee then to a powerful uppercut which sends him soaring. 

"These are your tests Joshua. Surely this is just warming up." Then I hear his voice from the intercom, "Yes it is now for the real test. Kill them both."

This stuns me and reminds me of last night. I'm frozen there in place. "You must sometimes do drastic things to ensure the survival of others. Now finish them." I turn and say, "No I will not become what I have prevented to be." Joshua laughs and says, "Well look at the monitor please if you will." I turn to see what he is showing and it horrifies me.

It is my family. They are tied to chairs and there is men with guns behind them. No they had nothing to do with this?!?! Why?!?! "Release them now!!! Or suffer my wrath." I could feel the lock breaking more. "Not unless you kill those two." I turn to the men and look back at the monitor. I want to save my family but these people don't deserve death. Nothing does. There is only one person who can help me in this situation. 

I close my eyes and get on my knees. I think hard and concentrate more. "What are you doing? Do you wish for them to die?" I ignore him and concentrate. I can feel the air around me heating up. I can feel the tile below me melting. I open my eyes and my hands are set aflame. Then I release him for just this one time.

"So Joshua, you say drastic men do drastic things to help others. Well then if so then this is what is right. Phoenix is not that man. But I am, Mfalme."

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