Chapter 27- End of Night

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-- So what do you guys think about the new group of supernaturals? :) Are they good or just using him for selfish reasons? As always enjoy!! :D--

Chapter 27- End of Night

I dust off my clothes after breaking through one of the walls. There eventually going to break it down anyways. I walk back into the gym and there is still music blasting. I walk over to the table and the guys see me. "Hey Phoenix that must have been one hell of a piss. Haha" I just shake my head laughing. Phoenicia smiles when she sees me. "Did you miss me?" I say. "I was starting too. Haha" she says. 

The rest of the dance is spent just sitting down and chatting. At about 10:30, me and Phoenicia decide to head on home. We say goodbye and head to the parking lot of the school. Phoenicia gives me a stern look and says, "So what did they want to talk about? And yes I heard everything." Damn. "They just told me about how Joshua was using me for his own purpose, not to help our kind." 

"So that was it?" She says, "No assassination plans?" "Nope nothing." I say with a stern voice. "Okay well there not a problem compared to you." The chauffeur arrives and we get in the car. The chauffeur exits the parking lot. As we turn onto the street, I begin feeling uneasy. My gut has a very odd feeling. Phoenicia notices and says, "Is something wrong?" Before I can answer her, the gas station we just barely passed by explodes.

The force of the explosion knocks the car over and turns it upside down. I am recovering from the sound of the explosion when I hear something. Some liquid dripping. I turn to check on Phoenicia and she is awake and struggling to take off her seat belt. "Are you okay? Do you have any wounds?" I ask in a worried voice. "I'm fine." She finally gets off her seat belt and crawls out from where the window broke. Once she is out and well, I check on the chauffeur. He has a piece of glass lodged in his chest very close to his heart. 

He is still breathing but hurt bad. I crawl out of the car and head to the drivers door. I rip out the door and drag him out of the car. I turn to see if anyone was at the gas station. I don't see anyone, but how did it explode? I look around the area to see if there is any gun men around but nothing. Then I see a person standing on a rooftop close by. We stare at each other for quite some time then suddenly the figure moves their arms in a strange motion. Then at the end of it, the figure creates fire. 

Crap, a pryokinetic?! Wait, could it be Jasmine?

I run to the building at fast speeds. The assailant launches a fireball at me which I easily jump over on to the roof. I punch the figure with such force they fly off the roof and into the entrance of some pizza place. I get there before he or she can try getting up. The person takes off there ski mask and it is a man. About in his early 20's. He tries to create fire again but I run up to him and deliver a flying knee which sends him soaring into the kitchen. He coughs and pulls out a combat knife from his boot. I easily step back from his swing and hit him in the gut with a swift kick. He holds his stomach and I run up and grab him by the neck and lift him up. 

"Why are you here and most of all who sent you? Answer now if you value your life." With a very aggressive tone. "I'm not here for you, I'm here to receive intel on someone else that you know very well." He's here for Chris. Sure he could easily handle him but I want to spare him the trouble. "You leave the werewolf alone or else!" I yell with a slightly demonic voice. "Werewolf? What are you talking about he's not the target." This surprises me and I ask, "Well who is?" 

Suddenly he kicks me in the face while I'm not paying attention and runs. I run after him and easily catch up. "Your not gonna go anywhere buddy." I say with a confident tone. "I guess so guess that means I failed." He grabs a gun from his back pocket. Crap!! He can easily get me from here. Then he pulls to the gun up to his head. Wait a minute no!!!!!!!!!!

He pulls the trigger and the gun flies out of his hand as his body falls back. I stand there stunned and terrified. My breath gets heavy and my body is trembling. He just.... killed himself. I fall down and hold my gut trying not to throw up. Phoenicia runs over to me and sees me in my catatonic state. "Phoenix are you okay?" She asks with a very worried tone. She turns to where I'm staring and sees the body. "Oh my. I guess I'll have to tell Joshua about this." I turn to her and ask, "Is the driver okay?" She nods her head and says, "He's fine but hurt bad. He needs to get sent to a hospital soon." As she finishes this, the sound of sirens echoes in the distance.

"We need to leave come on. There will be an ambulance to pick up the driver and the body, but we don't need to look like suspects here." She gets up and starts to walk but stops when I don't move. I just stare at the man. Blood is dripping down from his forehead where the bullet entered. I finally get the strength to stand up. "Lets go." Phoenicia jumps away and before I do, I take a good look at the man. I walk over to his body again and close his eyelids. I jump after Phoenicia.

That man was not after me, and because I tried to stop him from whatever he was doing, I caused his death. Not the Lion, but me. Phoenix Avila.

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