Chapter 33- Questions

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Chapter 33- Questions

As me, Phoenicia, and Daniel walk out of first period, we see Danny. "Hey Danny what's up?" I yell and wave towards him. Daniel turns to me and says, "Dude I'm right here." "No not you Daniel, I was talking to Danny." "Well that's going to be confusing." He says and then gets an idea. "How about you give me a nickname. I have one. How about Sparrow?" I turn and me and Phoenicia give him a weird look. "Hey I think it's badass." I then shrug and say, "Why not? Sure." Danny then walks up to me and we shake hands. He then gives a hug to Phoenicia and fisbumps Sparrow. "So it's brunch now right?" Danny asks. "Yes it is." It is time for semester finals so we have minimum days the rest of the week and then we get two weeks off for the holidays. "Okay so brunch then fourth period?" Danny asks again. "Haha yes man don't worry." I say. "Just trying to be sure. Haha." We then walk over to the table and see my new friends greatly interact with the guys.

Sophia, Jasmine, and Christina are already chatting with Jamie. Phoenicia goes to say hi to them and while she does I say hi to the guys. Gavin and Chrisitan are already in some sort of video game talk with Kyle and RIchard. I grab Richard's shoulder and say, "Since when did you start playing video games? Haha." He laughs and says, "Dude I was born playing video games. Haha" Its good to see them all getting along and joking around. Kyle then asks Christian how the new AssassinsCreed game. Christian just says, "Its fucking amazing. Hahaha." Him and Kyle laugh. I sit down at the table and say, "Hey Brendan, I just think the girls stole your girl." He laughs and just hits me in the arm. Sparrow is just sitting next to us, listening to all of us talk. "Hey Sparrow, later we'll talk about how I met my new friends." He gets the hint and nods his head.

The brunch bell rings and then we head off to our classes. Since me and Phoenicia have the same classes, we don't have to separate from each other, we even sit next to each other. I kiss her cheek and she tries to push me away to tease me. I poke her belly which makes her giggle. She is so cute but I wonder how she is in a real fight? We walk into our fourth period class and sit down. About 10 minutes into the class, we start our finals. I finish it in about 20 minutes. Phoenicia finishes some time after I do. Once the rest of the class is done, we all just sit there and talk. I turn to Phoenicia, who is sitting on my right, and say, "Hey Phoenicia you say Joshua trained you to become a warrior, right?" She nods her head. "How come I've never seen you fight though." She just shrugs and says, "I just haven't had the chance to show you." So the rest of the period is spent just talking back and forth. A few kisses here and there.

Then the bell finally rings. We grab our stuff and head to the usual spot. The rest of the guys are just sitting there talking and trying to figure out who is getting a ride. I can hear Kyle say, "I can take most of you guys, but some are going to have to walk." Brendan then says, "I barely have a quarter of a tank. I'll only be able to take people who are going the same way to my house." "Hey guys I'm down to walk as long as somebody else goes with me." I say. "Hey Sparrow how about we walk with Phoenix?" Danny asks. Sparrow then says, "I'm done. Haha." I walk over to Phoenicia and she puts her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her. I give her a nice, slow kiss which makes her blush. I smile at how cute she is and then kisses my cheek. "Okay whoever's coming with me, let's go guys." Kyle says. Brendan does the same and then the rest of the group leaves with them. Me, Danny, and Sparrow then begin our walk to home.

We pass by a Stater Bros. close to our school. Then we walk into some neighborhoods as a shortcut.I then begin to notice some men have been walking past us for about half an hour. "Hey Danny can you read them?" He shakes his head and Sparrow looks confused. "He's telepathic and telekinetic." I say. He then says, "Ohhhh thats fucking awesome. Haha." Then Danny taps my arm. I turn towards him and he says, "Dude there's more than just those guys following us." "What do you mean?" I ask with a concerned voice. He then whispers to me, "Demons man." In a hushed tone. Before I can say anything, I hear a bang and reflexes kick in. I toss both Danny and Sparrow out of the way and take a bullet to the back of my shoulder. I howl in pain. I reach in to where the bullet entered and pull it out. Sparrow is behind a tree while Danny is behind a car. I run over to Sparrow. "Dude what the hell, why are they shooting at us." I turn to him and say, "I left Joshua high and dry so these must be his assassins that he sent to come kill me or you guys. Okay I have an idea." He listens to me and then he nods to my plan.

I turn to Danny and he reads my mind, literally. Sparrow comes out from behind the tree with his hands up and says, "Hey man I don't even know these guys, just let me go out of your way and I won't say a thing." One of the men then motions for him to leave. Sparrow then grabs one of the men and applies a hold and grabs his gun and points it to the guys head. While they are distracted, I ignite my hands and light one of the guys shoe on fire to distract him. He tries to put his foot out and another one of the guys tries to help him. Danny then uses his telekinesis to pick up the gun one of them just dropped and holds it to one of there heads. I walk out from behind the trees and say, "Look I'm not the killing type but maybe they are." I nod my head to the guys. Then all of a sudden, a strange blood red portal opens right behind Sparrow. The other gun men turn and with terrified faces, run away. "Daniel get away from that!!!" I yell. He lets the guy go and backs away but then the guy he just released is about to shoot him. Then suddenly arms pop out from the portal and grab the gun men and pull him in. His gun drops to the floor then, something comes out from the portal.

It is some sort of demonic humanoid with horns protruding from the top of it's head. It has scaly like skin that is a light blue color. It has long sharp teeth and a horrible breath. It has sharp nails on both it's feet and claws. It turns to Sparrow and just stares at him and then begins to run over to him. Sparrow just stands there trying to piece together everything. I run in front of the thing and clothesline it. I then grab it while it is on the floor and throw it back into the portal. Then three more of them appear. "Give us the boy!!" They yell simultaneously. Danny then focuses a branch on the tree and rips it off and throws it at the demons. They get up and rush towards Sparrow. I tackle two of them, but the other two get past me. I turn to see Sparrow holding on his own. I know he took MMA classes, but he's moving really faster than usual. I then grab the two demons I am holding by their throats and set my hands on fire. Within seconds, the two demons turn to ashes. I grab one of the demons Sparrow is fighting and toss him into the street. Danny then lifts up a car and smashes it on the demon. Sparrow grabs the demon by its arm and tosses it back into the portal. Once he does, this I make a ball of fire energy and throw it into the portal, which causes it to explode and knock us back.

"What the fuck just happened?" Sparrow says after getting up and dusting off his clothes. "I have no idea but how the hell where you able to throw that thing in the portal so easliy?" Sparrow just looks at his hands and says, "I have no idea man but why did they want me?" I think about it for a second and say, "No idea man. Well have to ask Chris about this next time I see him." We then begin our walk home again. Great, first assassins then demons? What did they want with Daniel anyways? This is getting weirder. I wonder if it somehow relates to the other guy. Remembering the man brings back bad memories. I shake off the thoughts and just focus on getting home alive.

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