Chapter 12- Nightmares

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--Hey guys i really hoped you liked the last chapter. I spent very long time on it comrade. lol Well hope you all a good day or night--

Chapter 12- Nightmares



I open my eyes to find myself in a room of white. I look to where the noise is coming from and see a heartbeat monitor.

When did I get here? How long has it been?

As these question float through my head, I hear something outside of my door. I stare at the door waiting for someone to enter. After a few minutes of silence and waiting, nothing happens. 

It was probably someone passing by. I begin to search for a clock in the room to see what time it is but there is no clock in this room. I try to move but I am too tired to. Damn that fight wearied me out.

Oh crap, Chris!

What had happened after the fight? He had probably taken me to the hospital or I hope this is a hospital, but how did he explain the situation about half the school getting destroyed. Well I guesstheres nothing I can do now but wait. As I stare at the ceiling, a wave of exhaustion overcomes me and I fall asleep.

A sharp tapping noise awakens me. I turn quickly to the door and wait. Nothing again. Someoneprobably dropped something outside. As I lay back again and try to sleep, the noise comes again. I ignore it. After minutes, the noise does not stop.

Either that person is really clumsy or something else.....

I shake off the chills from that thought, and get out of my body. When I stand, I almost fall over. I notice bandages over my arm. Wow was it that bad?

The noise interrupts my thought. I walk over to the door and turn the handle. As I prepare to face a nurse or something else, I see nothing. I poke my head out the hallway and see nothing. The look of the hallway was that of a usual hospital. As I close the door behind me, I look around for any nurses that might nag at me or tell me where I'm at. 

I walk down the hallway. All the doors are closed. I want to check if there's anybody else but I don't want to be rude. I continue down the hallway and it splits in two ways. I walk down the right hallway. As I continue, I see a sign. On the sign, it says: Cafeteria. Underneath it is an arrow pointing down the hallway.

My stomach growls. Hopefully I can find someone there who will give me something to eat, Imstarving. As I enter the cafeteria, I am hit by the strong smell of meat being cooked. Man I love that smell. As I walk further into it, I notice that the equipment is on and food is being cooked but there is no one hear. Hearing something coming from the kitchen, I begin to walk over there slowly.

I see nothing at first. I walk more into it and see no one. I observe the room and notice that there are no pans or pots knocked over. As I turn around to leave the kitchen I see something out of the corner of my eye. 

A red liquid on the floor. I begin to get into a battle stance and look around the kitchen. Suddenly a pot falls over. I turn quickly and see nothing. I then walk over to the blood, but upon closer inspection, I realize something. It is not blood, but doesn't look like ketchup. Its too clear. Colored water. That still doesn't explain the pot falling over. It was probably a rat. Wow a rat in a hospital is not.....

A strong force grips my shoulder, I turn around to see. It is just a hospital employee. He has a stern mean face. Preparing to be scolded by this man, I notice he is holding his gut. 

Hes been stabbed. He begins to stumble over but I catch him. I ask, " Who did this?"

He turns to me and with the most horrific face I have ever seen says, "You did."

No, I couldn't have. I was asleep.

I drop the dead man as the anxiety hits me. I run back to the room where I awoke, but as I run back the doors are all open.

People stumble out and tell me I did that to them. Each having the same horrific face. I run to my room and slam the door. Catching my breath, I notice someone is in my bed. 

Oh crap I went in the wrong room, but before I can leave the person calls my name. 

As I slowly turn to face this stranger, fear fills me. It is the girl from my dream last time.

She smiles at me. She has a beautiful smile, I cannot help but smile back. 

Her jaw then falls off and hits the floor. As I see this I try not to throw up. 

Then her nose. Soon after her eyes. Each tooth decays and falls in seconds.

Her hair recedes and falls off. Her skin dries up and decomposes. 

Now the once beautiful girl laying in my bed, is now a husk.

The husk gets up and walks to me. It grabs me by the shoulders and holds me against the door.

I am frozen in fear. The skeleton begins to talk to me.

"Now we can finally be together."

"Embrace it. It will take over eventually."

As it finishes this sentence, I feel the skin on my face fall off. I scream in horror as my whole body begins to decompose.

I am going to be just like this thing. 

I am going to be this thing.

I awake screaming and in tears. I am in a cold sweat and panting like I have been running for my life. It is dark and the monitor is till beeping. Suddenly the door opens and I turn to face this demon. It is no demon but a nurse. 

She asks, "Are you okay? I heard screaming." while walking over to the monitor and other machines next to it.

"I'm fine just a really bad dream." I tell her. 

"Okay, well is there anything else that you need?" 

"Just some food and water please."

"Okay I'll go fetch those."

"Thank you."

She then leaves, which leaves me alone again. As I begin to calm myself down I can't but feel the horror of that nightmare. 

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