Chapter 34- Jasmine

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-- Hey guys!! :D Hope your all having great holidays. I wish you all a merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah etc. and a happy New Year. :D As Always Enjoy!!--

Chapter 34- Jasmine

By the time we get to my neighborhood it is about 1:00. Since it is finals, we get out earlier than usual. Sparrow left me and Danny a while ago because he goes in a different way to get home. By the time me and Danny get to the house, were pretty much dragging our tired bodies. I ring the door bell and then it opens to reveal Jasmine behind it, "Woah you guys look like you've been in some war or something." I just say, "Yeah something like that. Oh man could I use a nap." I walk over to the couch and collapse on it. I notice that only Jasmine is here. "Hey where's everybody else?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. She opens the refrigerator and says, "They went to go get something to eat. Oh yeah by the way, Phoenicia said to call her as soon as you can." When did Phoenicia get a phone? I sit up and say, "Okay cool thanks, and is there a chance that you know her number by the way? Hahaha" 

She just laughs and shakes her head. I shrug and get up off the couch. "So hey Jasmine, I hate to bring this up but what exactly happened to your family?" I ask with friendly tone. A sad look falls upon her face and she takes a deep breath. "My family was a good healthy one. I mean sure it had some problems but they were my family. My loved ones. My grandmother was a witch who liked to invoke demons in alot of her spells. So one day she invoked a pryo demon and it was no regular one. It was a demon lord that ruled one of the many layers of Hell. They became friends but due to my grandmothers niceness, she was raped by him." I can't help but clench my fist as she says rape."So then my mother was born. She was half witch, half pryodemon which didn't make her witch cloven happy. They casted my grandmother out of the cloven and then she along with my mom moved to California. So once they got all settled down in California, she began to help my mom develop her fire abilities because my grandmother knew that some day, the demon lord would want his child." 

I then notice that Danny has also been in the kitchen listening to Jasmine tell us about her family history. "So once my mom became 18 the demon lord wanted her soul but my grandmother ran away with her through the state, always stopping by place full of holy energy to sleep. But you can never outrun a demon's contract. My grandmother gave up her life to let my mom choose her own. So about 10 years later, she met my dad at church. My dad was a very religious and devout man. They started dating and then a year later married. Fast forward and then came me. A innocent little girl. My dad loved me more than anything in the world heck he loved me more than his religion. So I had a a normal childhood. Lucky you. When I was born my mother had no idea of how to tell whether I was in fact a pryodemon or not. It was then when I began to experience horrible nightmares. It was the same thing every time. It would begin as a wonderful dream then quickly turned into a horrible nightmare."

"So fed up with all of this, I began to investigate about my family. I wanted to know why my grandma disappeared so strangely. I tried my best and I hit a dead end. There was only one thing I could do. I asked my mom. Everything and then thats when he appeared before me. The demon lord. He wasn't satisfied with my grandmother's soul and wanted mine because I was so pure. Then just as my grandmother did, me and my mother ran without warning my dad. For almost a year we hid by doing the same tactic my grandma did but we carried holy water in case. Then the demon lord gave up and we returned to our normal lives."

" Not soon after, that's when I met Joshua. He approached me when I was shopping and offered me a way to stop this nightmare if I helped him and his kind advance. So I did whatever he asked. Then one night when I came home, there was nobody home. The demon lord then appeared before me. At that point, I just gave up and had no will to fight back. I was ready to accept my sentence, but then he told me that there was another contract made to replace mine. My whole family, relatives and all for me. Joshua arranged it thinking it would help me focus more on helping him. I would have killed him if it weren't for the way my father raised me. So I ran away, and for months I could not handle the torment I had gone through that's when I met Richard. I don't know how but he helped me get through and is probably the reason why I'm still breathing. So that is my story." She says and then just sits down on the couch.

I feel the need to say something but I don't. I don't know why but it just feels right. I just tap her shoulder and give her a smile and say, "Thank you Jasmine. I know it takes alot to talk about those memories but only a strong person would have done that."  She just flashes me a warm smile and turns on the t.v. I head upstairs to drop off my stuff in my room. Just one more day until Christmas break. Well that explains what Joshua did to Jasmine but what about the others? Have they felt all the same pain? Feeling the sorrow hurt my chest, I relax and meditate to ease off my troubles. About an hour later there is a knock at my door. I open it and become surprised my Phoenicia jumping into me which makes me fall over. "Did you miss me babe?" She asks in a hyper voice. "Of course I did." I say with a smile. When did she start calling me babe? I then notice that Sophia is trying her best not to laugh right behind her. Damn she probably told her how a good girlfriend should act as revenge for totally kicking her ass. Seems fair.

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