Chapter 43- The Boy

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-- Hope you guys are enjoying the story. :) As Always Enjoy :D!!!--

Chapter 43- The Boy

When I wake up, I turn to see my the time on my phone. It reads 5:00. It's Saturday. What am I doing up this early? When I get up off of my bunk bed, my bed creaks but not enough to wake up my brother. I slowly open my bedroom door and close it quietly. I stop and listen to the house for a moment. Nobodies up yet. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Man I'm starving. I open the pantry to look for some cereal. I choose the frosted flakes over the cheap knockoff cereals my parents bought. I grab a spoon and milk and serve myself. I sit down on the couch and turn on the living room t.v. I decide to watch the news to see whats going on with the world.

The usual celebrity and sports stuff followed by some criminal being convicted of a crime and what not. I then realize that the reporter on the t.v. is standing in the back-lot of the town high school. She is saying something about the van that exploded. Oh well there not gonna find much there anyways, but I wonder what made it go off. As I try to piece stuff together, I begin to hear a familiar voice come into my head.


Mfalme? Is that you?

Yes child. How are things?

Alright just here thinking about some stuff.

Such as?

Just about how were all supposed to face Josh.

And what about it is bugging you? 

What if were not ready? Do we really need to face him?

You will be. All of you will be and yes you do Phoenix

Well why though? We haven't seen him for about two months now. Do we just sit here and worry that we will be attacked by him? It seems like hes given up.

You don't know that Phoenix.

Besides I could just tell Chris about him and I'm sure he could help me fix this problem.

No. Don't tell Chris

Why not?

You must solve this problem on your own, without help from Chris cub.

Sure whatever you say, I think to myself as I finish my cereal bowl and head over to the sink to wash my bowl.

As I turn the water on, I notice that Mfalme has stopped talking to me. Oh well, I guess I annoyed him or something. I finish cleaning my bowl and just sit at the kitchen table. I turn to one of the windows and notice that the weather is gloomy and dull. As I stare into the sky, I began to ask myself questions. Are we really ready? I would hope so but we have only trained for about two months sure were learning new abilities but we haven't actually fought. I have but not much though. Do we really need to "defeat" him? And for what cause? 

I take a deep sigh and put the questions out of my head and just begin to walk back upstairs. Wish I could talk to Chris about this but I haven't heard from him in forever. I wonder why he never responds to my texts? Oh well he's probably busy alot more now. As I walk back into my room, I get on my bed and just lay and stare at the roof. I hope everything goes well with us against Josh.... and with me and Phoenicia. I turn to look out my window and see the house across. I lyed  there and stared hoping that she would look out for some reason and we would interlock gazes. 

Nothing happened. I just stared back at the ceiling and began to think about how I really felt about her. I loved her but I didn't really know if I truly did. I guess only time can tell for both of those questions.

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