Chapter 37- Christmas

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-- Hope you guys are having great holidays. :) As Always Enjoy!! :D --

Chapter 37- Christmas

Its finally snowing now. Funny though how it snows the day before Christmas. I really hope it snows tomorrow. I wonder how Christina is doing? I haven't talked to her since last week. I think I'll go check up on her. I grab my black hoodie that hangs on my coat hanger that is on my door to my room. I look into the kitchen and notice that my mom and grandma are fixing up dinner. The smell just wants me to attack the ham and turkey. "Hey mom I'm gonna go for a little walk." She nods and says, "Well don't stay out too late because dinner is almost ready." I nod my head and open my front door and notice that Phoenicia just got outside of the house. I close the door behind me and run over to the house across. I take Phoenicia by surprise and hug her. "Don't scare me like that Phoenix." She says. "Aww I'm sorry baby." I give her a kiss on her cold cheek. "So hows everybody?" I ask. "There alright but since its the holidays they all have home sickness." I feel a deep sorrow ache at my heart for my friends. 

This is the time for family yet they don't have one anymore. Then the light bulb flicks on. "Baby how about we throw our own Christmas for them?" I ask with joy. "That would seem very nice." She nods her head and begins to ponder about the idea. I then open the front door the the guys house and I see them on a couch watching a big screen t.v. "Hey where did you guys get this stuff. You didn't steal this did you?" I ask with a suspicious tone. They all point to Sophia and I give her a mean look. "Hey I didn't steal the stuff. I bought it with my own money. I even have the receipts as proof." She gets up off the couch and hands me a wad of receipts. "Well okay. So how have you guys been?" Kyle just says alright, Sophia just shrugs, Jasmine doesn't even acknowledge me, Christina is has her headphones on and blasting her music, and Danny and Richard are at the dining table eating something. Well that went well. "Hey guys guess what?" I ask with a cheerful tone. Most of them look and say what simultaneously. "Were going to have our own Christmas like one little family." I say with a smile. Kyle has a confused look on his face and says, "Like presents and shit?" "Yes Kyle with presents and shit." I nod as I say this. 

Richard then walks up to me and faces the guys and says, "Well guess we better get started right?" The others then suddenly become energetic and start asking what each one of us will do. "Okay Kyle, you and Danny go look for a Christmas tree." They both nod their heads and head out the front door with Kyle grabbing his keys. "Okay Christina and Jasmine you can make ornaments right?" Christina forms a ball of ice and hands it to Jasmine who in turn craftily makes an ornament. I nod and they then head outside to begin. "Okay Sophia since your the only one with money, me and you are going to get presents for all of you guys." I say and Sophia nods. I turn to Phoenicia and Richard and say, "Okay well you guys can make the food right?" They both nod and Richard says, "Well need to get ingredients though." Sophia then reaches into her back pocket and hands Richard a hundred dollar bill. "Keep the change." She says. They then head on there way to the local supermarket which is not too far. So me and Sophia head to the nearest Wal-mart to get the others their gifts. 

As me and Sophia walk towards Wal-Mart, we start to talk. "Sophia how do you feel?" I ask politely. She turns and asks, "What do you mean Phoenix?" I turn to her and say, "I mean ever since you lost control and went all batshit crazy." "Ohh okay." She says while she nods her head. "I'm fine its just I know I went really bad this time. I need to learn how to control this." "I know exactly how you feel." I say with a different type of tone in my voice. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Look if any of you guys had seen me about a month ago you all would have been terrified of me." I say and continue walking. "I know exactly how you feel but instead of longing for sex or pleasure, I long for death and destruction. I don't know why but I'm trying to figure that out. Maybe its just Mfalme or something else." She looks at me with a confused face and says, "Mfalme? Whos that?" "He is the spirit of an ancient warrior lion and he is currently my spirit animal slash guide." She nods and we stay quiet for a while. "Okay so Phoenix, I need to talk to you about something else also." "Yes what is it?" I ask as we finally arrive at Wal-Mart. "Its about Phoenicia." She says. I turn to her and ask, "Yeah what about her?" 

"Look most succubi can detect emotions like lust and what not. So the point I'm trying to make here is that I don't think you completely love Phoenicia." She says in a quiet voice. "Look Sophia just because I rushed our relationship doesn't mean that I don't love her." I say with an aggressive tone. "Look you don't have to get mad about any of this Phoenix. I just want to help you thats all. I'm not some jealous bitch trying to plant deceit in your mind. Its just that I don't feel that emotion when I see you guys together." She says while grabbing a shopping cart. "Look we can talk about this later but right now I want to buy gifts for my friends including you." I say as we begin our search through the store. I know we are in love. I can only hope that this is. About an hour later, we finally realized that I never asked any of the guys what they wanted for Christmas. I text Danny to figure out what the others want for Christmas and it is surprisingly nothing too expensive. We finally leave after shopping there for two hours. Kyle is already done with getting a tree with Danny so we have a ride back to the house. We decide that hiding the presents at my house is a better idea. 

So I begin to wrap all the presents for every one of the guys. For Richard we got him a watch and a new jacket for him to wear. Kyle got a squeaky toy and some beef jerky. Sophia got some perfume and some lingerie. Christina got some necklaces and spare metals. She might use them to make something. Danny got a camera and some film for it. For Jasmine we got her nothing, but she will realize her gift tomorrow. So after I'm done wrapping the presents, I finally go to sleep. Then the bright light of morning awakens me. My family has just woken up and unwrapping the presents. Once I unwrap my presents which are a new laptop and some new clothes, I grab the presents for the guys and jump out my side window into my lawn. I then head over quickly to the house and knock on the door. It is Kyle and he looks tired but when he realizes what I have, he suddenly becomes awake and energetic. He runs up and awakens everybody. I now get a good look at the tree and it looks really great considering we kind of rushed it. Then everybody comes downstairs and they each open there presents. Each one has a happy face except for Jasmine who we didn't get a present for.

"I'm sorry guys. I wish I could have gotten you all something better but I don't have the money" I say with a low voice. Richard then walks over to me and says, "Look dude its really not about the presents anymore. Most of us don't even have a family and the fact that you spent the time maybe on such short notice but call us a family, its something better than presents." He says with a smile. I smile back at him and say, "Well alright man. I'm glad to be helping you guys." Jasmine sits there with a confused face and asks, "Don't mean to be rude but wheres my present." Before I can answer her my phone vibrates and I check to see that it is Danny calling me. Perfect timing. "C'mon Jasmine I want to show you something." I say as I open the front door. Jasmine follows outside and right in the front lawn is her piano. The same one from her house. "Sorry I had to send Danny to get it and it kind of took a while but its here." I say as I notice that she is speechless. All she does is give me a hug and say, "Thank you so much Phoenix." Danny then finally moves the piano into the house and we place it in Jasmines room. It is now 5:00 p.m. The day has flown by really fast and soon New Years will be here. Before I leave I give Phoenicia a goodbye kiss. 

A New Year and the begging of a fresh start to people. I still have to deal with Joshua but like I said I'm not alone. I have help. Too bad they can't help me figure out what love is exactly. Neither can I espeically because I have seen the horrible side of "love".

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