Chapter 2: Climate Change Is Real

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Art made by BloodyDragon117 on DeviantArt.

Note: Since this chapter resulted shorter than the others, it's soon to be extended. Changes will be made, but they won't be too drastic. They won't cause much change towards the storyline, other than stabilizing its flow.


     After the introduction, you and Sans had walked all the way towards Snowdin,  a small and snowy town located at the far end of the endless forest. The two of you began exchanging words here and there, getting to know each other along the way. Your conversation consisted mostly of small talk, yet at one particular topic, a spark occurred.

     "So. . . Doin' this for your sibling, huh?" asked Sans, interested in what your response would be.

     "Yeah, I just feel like I can't leave them on their own, y'know?" you replied, feeling a tinge of melancholy return back to you.

     The skeleton's ever-present grin had grown and it seemed to represent a smile of understanding. "I know that feeling a little too well." he murmured, looking down at his slippers so as to distract himself from both facing you and the past. The expression on his cranium had changed and he appeared  to be immersed in his thoughts; it was as if your words had triggered an important memory hidden deep behind his mind.

     You thought of questioning further, though soon decided against it, for you didn't want to come off as nosy; not only that, but you'd already arrived at Snowdin. It seemed like a peaceful, friendly town and it was covered in thick sheets of snow from corner to corner. One of the homes doors and windows were, in fact, covered with a tall pile of snow, blocking any possible entry or exit from the premises. The name now looked to be quite appropriate for the place, you thought.

     "I'm willin' on helping you out, _______." Sans spoke up, currently facing your gaze after the brief interlude of silence. The previous look on his skull had vanished and was replaced with a calm smile. "The path to getting out is far, though. So, are you willin' on letting me help?"

     You were confused at the skeleton's words; these were awfully vague and strange. Deciding on shrugging it off and staying alert of your surroundings, you agreed on following Sans. Once agreeing, you were asked to make a promise. This promise stated that --no matter what the two of you came across with-- you would trust one another, helping each other out until the end. It was a bit of an odd thing to do for someone you had just met, but the way he had said such things made you think there was more to it.

     You were now led out of Snowdin, being greeted by a dimmer area with a plethora of bright blue flowers scattered all across the area. As you walked further into the place, the paths became humid, and some small puddles could be seen lying about the road. The poor lightning of the location permitted for the flowers to serve as dim, yet useful source of lighting. They gave off a glow strong enough to illuminate a few feet of the ongoing path. Farther into the place, a rather large waterfall with crystalline waters could be seen as well, the sound of water's soft gurgling drowning your auditory senses.

     While the two of you passed by the little field of flowers, you could hear someone say 'Look! The barrier finally broke!'; their voice was faint and somewhat high-pitched, resembling that of a an ecstatic child. You stopped on your tracks for a moment, wanting to see if you'd heard right.

Happily Ever Aftertale (Undertale Fanfic) (Soon To Be Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now