Chapter 6: Oil Love You

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Beautiful piece of art made by SyniaSidhe

This was something I requested on her character illustration forum. She did an amazing job, so many kudos to her for her cute, wonderful art! Also, I highly suggest reading her work: Phony Potions. It's honestly one of the best books I've read on Wattpad so far.


     After having become acquainted with the tall, oddly dressed skeleton called Papyrus, you had agreed to visit him the next day for a celebration. You headed back home, wanting to take a well-deserved bath, and a good night's rest to be able to manage another day and its occurrences. 

     However, you had many matters left to attend to before doing so. From healing your wounds and mentally preparing yourself for giving your boss a believable explanation regarding your week-long absence, you knew you were in for a long and exhausting night.

     Once having bathed and dressed yourself in some clean, dry clothing, you headed off to meet with your aunt, wanting to explain to her everything that'd happened on your quite whimsical journey. Frankie, however, having been without their sibling for almost a week, begged you to stay and sleep together with them. You, being quite weak when it came to Frankie's pleas, quickly agreed on doing so, not giving your earlier plains any second thoughts. 

     Both your aunt and boss could wait, you thought. They hadn't do you good, and you had no intention on visiting the torn up, iron factory at such a late hour and in such a unhealthy state.

     The two of you stayed together on the small, yet cozy home, enjoying the feeling of being reunited and recuperating the lost time. Frankie dragged you along to the living room, which only composed itself of a cord phone on one of the four, crumbling walls; a worn out, beige love seat; and a black-and-white TV.

     Frankie had insisted that the two of you watched a filmed game show hosted by a robot. You reluctantly, yet happily accepted to watch it. You were later surprised to see the strange way the game show was hosted, while feeling an odd sense of déjà vú. It reminded you of the robot-shaped fountain you had seen in the Underground's hotel.

     Frankie explained with much excitement to you about  just where was the show hosted, and even explained to you that they had become friends with the game show's participant. Nodding in a confused manner, you found yourself watching the odd program with your sibling right until the end.

     Getting up from the couch with a exhausted groan, you looked towards your sibling. Frankie was already dozing off, yet they seemed determined on staying awake. They wanted to cherish every single minute possible with you, now that you had returned home. They didn't want to lose sight of you any longer.

     Nighttime had arrived, however, and you decided it was time to begin tucking them in bed. Picking the almost asleep child in your arms, you headed off towards the bedroom. Once there, you laid your sibling carefully on the small bed, and began to bundle them up with the thin bed sheets.

     "Goodnight, Frank." you whispered softly, while giving them a kiss on the cheek.

     "Hey. . . D- Don't call me that. . ." they mumbled worriedly. "It makes me think you're mad at me. . ."

     "But it's your name." you acknowledged in a joking manner, while letting a light chuckle escape your lips.

     "I. . . I know. . . but-"

     "Heh, alright. Goodnight, Frankie." you whispered one last time, thus climbing on the other side of the bed and settling your back against the mattress.

Happily Ever Aftertale (Undertale Fanfic) (Soon To Be Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now