(Some) Progress

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So, uh. . . Hello again, lol.

I wrote the following prologue a few weeks (or a month??) ago, and I'm currently underway with writing the first chapter of this story.

The current changes made are:

1.) The Reader/(Y/N) is a dishwasher instead of a factory worker. (It's more realistic, in terms of job applications.)

2.) The Reader/(Y/N) is a (mother/father) instead of having only a sibling now. BUT, hear me out, it has a lil' twist!

3.) The Reader/(Y/N) will not be exploring the Underground right at the beginning of the story. Rather, they/you will meet will with the characters in an entirely different way, but the plot (starting at about chapter 12-15) will still be the same.

4.) The child will be referenced in a less redundant way once I figure out how to do so. For now, though they'll be referred to as "your child". (I've very uncreative, lol.)

Aaand, that's all I can think of for now!

It's slow progress, but I'm eager to give this a shot.

Constructive criticism is welcomed in case something feels off or if you believe it could be improved more.

Now. . . Onto the prologue!


The fumes from the factory set a few blocks away from your workplace were strong enough to make you sense the smell even with the scarf you'd wrapped around your nose and mouth.

Thinking your child could most likely be affected by it too, you looked down to face with them.

"Do you need another scarf?" You asked, your voice muffled due to the cloth covering your mouth.

They shook their head, curly hair bouncing with the movement as their eyes squinted, leading you to assume they were smiling behind their own scarf.

"I'm okay!" You heard them exclaim, reassuring you over their well-being.

Nodding, you tightened your hold over their small hand and ventured further towards the path leading to the restaurant, thinking of a possible excuse as to why you were bringing a ten-year-old child with you to your work shift.

Your steps were slow and reluctant, the possibility of you being chastised making you wary over each of your actions. You tried not to let your panicky self take in too much air, not wanting for your lungs to be tainted further with the air toxic enough to make those belonging to the big city cough their organs out.

Finally escaping the polluted environment, you took off your scarf and helped your child with folding theirs before stuffing the items into your backpack.

Once that procedure was out of the way, they went off towards the break room located on a far end of the restaurant and excused themselves from the two employees standing in the middle of the entrance.

The pair immediately brought their gazes over to you, quizzical frowns taking over their features while they decided if informing the rest of the staff over the new face was worth it or not. Their gazes only managed to get more intense when your child muttered something related to you, leading for the employees to face you with more scrutiny as compared to the way they looked at the "intruder".

Gulping down the tension building over your throat, you tried not to let their looks get to you as you began to walk forward into the premises, stopping once being a few feet away from them.

"This your kid?" The human employee asked, arms crossed and eyes flickering over to the one they'd mentioned.

"Sibling, actually." You corrected.

"But didn't you mark (father/mother) when fillin' out the form for workin' here?"

You couldn't help gritting your teeth as the man continued to press further, the slowly rising anger being leveled by your child placing a hand over your back in their best attempts at comforting you.

"Well. . . Yes, but. . ."

"But what?" He spat, crossed arms not once budging as he continued to stare you down.

You breathed through your nostrils, taking your child's hand in yours and hurrying over to enter the break room, not wanting to check-in late for your shift solely because of his constant questioning.

His hand tried reaching out for your shoulder, though the pink bunny monster standing next to him stopped him by taking hold of his hand and bringing him closer to her.

"They'll be late for their check-in." She reasoned, nose twitching along with the words.

"They deserve it." He insisted. "They're - "

You stopped listening to their conversation after closing the door, a frown not hesitating on taking over your face.

Though what he was inquiring you about was something you most certainly agreed to answering, today was a different story. Your child was soon to stop being homeschooled and, for that reason, you couldn't afford losing your job today. Rather, the thing you most needed now was a newspaper announcing other jobs you were qualified for.

"You know it isn't 'bring your kid to work day', right?" A voice spoke from farther away into the break room, causing you to snap out of your thoughts and face with the owner of the voice.

Any previous worry you had building up in your chest faded away when seeing another bunny monster stand in front of you, this one carrying white fur as compared to the pink bunny from before. Her puffy tail shook with excitement as a smile tugged on her lips, her paws clapping together as a happy squeak left her two front teeth.

"I have news for you, _____!" She proclaimed, placing both her hands over your shoulders as her ears flopped over her face.

Witnessing such an event, you chuckled, helping her brush them away back to where they belonged.

"What's up?"

She was about to respond to your question when a thought crossed her mind. Soon after, she turned her head over to the clock, her tail wagging once more.

"Go check in first!" Your friend advised, giving your shoulder a light shove before turning to greet your child.

You took her advice and walked towards the clock, rummaging through the contents of your backpack and retrieving your card from one of its many pockets

As you passed your card through the slot, you looked back at the two, a smile forming on your lips when seeing your rabbit friend kneeling to match with your child's height. A happy and honest grin was present over her face as she listened them talk about how they were doing with homeschool and how they felt over having to go to a public school in a few months.

Observing how the joyful scenery before you unfolded, you felt a strange feeling well up inside your chest. It was a light, somewhat bubbly feeling, at the same time making you feel wistful and as if there was something missing to finish the puzzle that would allow you to understand that emotion.

Your pondering was soon cut short when hearing the clock ding twice, informing you that your check-in had been successful and marking five minutes early with a bright and green check-mark.

"Alright!" Your friend exclaimed, returning her attention to you once telling your child to go sit at the small couch set next to the coffee makers and mezclita sandwiches. "Let's get to work, honey. . . I'll tell you all about it at the kitchen sinks!"

Nodding to her words, you proceeded to follow her out of the break room and into the kitchen, the hectic though quotidian day of being a dishwasher commencing with a bang.

Happily Ever Aftertale (Undertale Fanfic) (Soon To Be Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now