Chapter 28: All Hooked Up

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Art found on Pinterest.

Warning: Some bad puns are to be encountered ahead. Proceed at your own risk.


     It was early in the morning. The opaque blue of the skies, and the quiet feeling surrounding you signaled it was barely the break of dawn. Yet, here you were, sitting on the dining table, along with Toriel, Alphys, and Undyne. Both you and the women of the household were busily discussing some matters among yourselves. Though, you couldn't help feeling a bit left out.

     This looked more like a women's reunion, and you simply didn't fit in. Neither did you feel fitting on a complete group of females, nor of males. You simply couldn't feel comfortable with either-- which was admittedly strange, considering you identified yourself as a (preferred pronoun). The more you gave into such thoughts, the more it led for you to shift on your seat.

"D- Do you really think we'll have a chance to win? Uh, I mean, is this enough for her to believe your words?" Alphys questioned, as you pondered over her words.

     She had began to over think each and every matter, which wasn't the best time to do such things. You were already worried enough about your matters, and her words only added to your impending fear of loss.

"I'm honestly not quite sure..." you admitted, as you placed the border of the cup on your lips, thus taking a sip of your rather dark, sugarless coffee. "I tried asking Frankie about it, but they refused to tell me, saying the Judge had ordered them to do so."

"Then... H- How are we supposed to know what to support?!" Alphys suddenly exclaimed, as she abruptly got up from her seat. "We- We'll lo-"

"But, it's only to you, right?" Undyne intervened, not wanting for her girlfriend to become so worried about these matters.

     You were both admittedly acting the same-- much to Undyne's comfort and calm. Seeing people lose sight of what they believed in made her worry, and she was trying her best to maintain everyone's views intact. To her eyes, they were much better as compared to the human city folk's terrible ones.

"What if they tell us instead?" she asked, while pointing to herself.

     You could feel your face lit up at such a statement. Her idea was bound to work, and it could free you from all from the tension and worry. Waiting until tomorrow was just too much, and you couldn't bare waiting a second longer.

"We'll try to be gentle, and convince them that they should tell us. The Judge's laws don't apply to us, after all." Undyne declared, as she got up from her seat.

"Everything is settled, then?" Toriel spoke, with a soft smile making itself visible on her features.

     She seemed eager to fulfill this decision, and wanted to help in any way possible.

"Yeah... I guess so." you agreed, with a warm smile.

     Seeing everyone become so determined on wanting to put this case to an end-- a rather positive one... It made you happy, and it filled you with perseverance.

     All four of you continued to converse among yourselves, looking to decide on just who would be the one to talk with the child. After a long exchange of words, you finally decided to ask Papyrus to do it. He seemed to be one of the closest with your sibling, and his natural way of caring for others would get them to open up.

Happily Ever Aftertale (Undertale Fanfic) (Soon To Be Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now