Chapter 8: A Stare-y Night

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Art made by Kagaya on Twitter.

Note: This chapter is in the process of being extended/edited, for I plan to make it flow more smoothly in regards of the events that'll transpire here. It won't change the storyline much, but a few references about this chapter's events will be found on the later chapters. Any constructive suggestions would be greatly appreciated over this matter!


     It was finally nighttime. The celebration had prolonged quite a lot, and you found yourself on a tough bind. There was only one bus left to come to the area, and it only led to the town next to it, which would lead for you to go on foot towards your home for the next fifteen minutes. Toriel, being awfully caring and attentive, insisted that you and your sibling stayed the night. You, however, assured her that the two of you would go and make it home alright. 

     The goat lady, of course, insisted once more, hence why you now found yourself sitting on the couch, watching the evening news now come to an end. Frankie and Frisk were by this time, already sleeping on the other, smaller couch next to you.

     You too felt like getting some shut eye, yet every time you decided on doing so, you felt the strange sensation of being watched. Deciding it was best to stay up as long as possible, you got up, and headed towards the main bathroom. You were looking to splash some cold water on your sleep deprived face.

     Once entering the bathroom, you were greeted by a strange, peculiar smell. It was sickly sweet, and it made you feel nauseous. Looking around, you couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, other than the glasses you had just placed on top of the white, marble sink. Deciding on going back to what you came for, you took a bar of soap that Toriel had earlier provided for you, and proceeded to wash your tired face.

     As you lathered your face with the soap, while appreciating the lovely scent of buttercup that it provided, you felt a strange, powerful sensation over your back. The sensation grew more and more stronger, and it soon reached your neck. It was slowly, but surely tightening around your neck's tender skin. As you hurriedly tried to wash the soap away, you heard a whisper.

     "You'll soon betray them, dear __________. You will never persevere.

     The voice was cold and eerie, and it sounded quite similar to your own voice. This made for you abruptly open your eyes and gain some soap over them.

     Letting a groan in both pain and surprise, you blindly touched your surroundings, searching for a towel. Once coming across something soft, you took it, and wiped your face with it. As you did, however, you inhaled a dusty substance, which provoked you a sneeze. Quickly, you let the unknown object fall down to the floor, and waited for the pain on your eyes to cease. Once feeling the pain in your eyes slowly start to fade, you opened them, only to be greeted by darkness.

     "I know many things about you." the voice taunted, as you found yourself unable to speak up. "This is an example of just how much I know." The voice began to cackle maniacally, while fear began to creep unto your back.

     "No! I- I can't see!" you yelled, your voice slightly breaking due to your current shock. 

     You rubbed your eyes frantically, wanting to escape this nightmare. It was all useless, however, for you could yet see a thing.

Happily Ever Aftertale (Undertale Fanfic) (Soon To Be Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now