Halloween Special: The Harmonious Human (x Reader One-Shot)

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This is a small, x Reader one-shot I thought would be nice to share on this Halloween.


     You watched how everyone was dancing to the rhythm of the mellow tune that Undyne played. Everyone was conversing happily; everyone felt good knowing there weren't any humans near.

     Ever since Frisk betrayed everyone, by having killed both the King and the Queen, and many royal guards, they decided that humans didn't have a purpose. They decided that humans only existed to cause suffering.

     You, however, remaining highly curious over what the Great Dance was like, decided to go. The dance had no invitations, and every monster could step in, if they so desired. It's for this reason, that you wore a pumpkin mask-- which the monsters were unaware of, since they were only seen on Halloween season back at the Surface.

     You had worn a black tuxedo with a white rose on the left side of your chest, and a pair of gloves to cover your remaining human skin. Finally, you were covered from head to toe, and you didn't expect to be caught.

     Giving ten harmonious steps forward, you encountered a guard with rabbit ears. He looked glum and he seemed lost in his thoughts. As he looked toward his left side, a sad smile soon took hold of his face. It was as if he was missing someone-- someone whom he loved with all his being. Hence, why you wanted to give a smile to provide encouragement, or at least, to be able to try to show your sympathy. Unfortunately, your mask prevented you from doing so. Your pumpkin mask already had a false and fabricated smile, which was present at all times.

"Pass. But, please, be careful if you want to climb the towers of the castle. It's said there's a human hidden there, in search for the souls of monsters." he warned. "This is just a rumor, but be careful. We, the remaining guards, are doing everything possible to prevent another tragedy." he finished with his explanations, sounding just like a robot.

     It was as if he had to replace his normal ways of speech, and adapt himself to the unfortunate changes this incident brought.

"I'll keep that in mind." you said, trying to make your voice sound grave and distorted. "Thank you."

     With these words, the castle doors opened, and you were welcomed by the beautiful, great splendor of everything that was around the dance floor. The elegant chandelier hanging in the center of the roof provided a small light with all its small candles, and the gold curtains that decorated the walls were as thick as the mask that had placed on. The floor was sparkling, and it was decorated by the feet of all the harmonious monsters, who continued dancing with the melody that Undyne played.

     Now, you gave twenty more harmonious steps forward, finally staying at one end of the dance floor. You looked around you, and were able to identify several nearby monsters.

     Shyren, the famous siren known for her beautiful singing, was in a corner chatting with a ghost, which you recognized as Napstablook. The two were quite shy, but when together, they could talk and spend time together for hours. In the center of the dance floor was a man made entirely out of fire, who was dancing waltz with a woman of multiple arms and eyes, which you recognized as Muffet.

     Everyone was dancing happily, and everyone had smiles on their faces. Several months had passed since that incident occurred and everyone was trying to return back to normalcy. They were trying to be happy again, and to forget the bad time they had passed.

Happily Ever Aftertale (Undertale Fanfic) (Soon To Be Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now