Chapter 25: Oh, My Love!

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Art made by AllNamesAreTaken12 on Deviantart.

(Small Note: I've done another quick update, since I won't be very active this upcoming week due to exams and other matters. And I would like to go through some editing for this book afterwards. Now, hope you enjoy!)


     It had been a week and a half ever since the lost child had reunited with his mother, and now you were to do the last preparations for the day at the courtroom. Since the storm had caused a lot of damage to the city, your judgement trail was postponed until the Mayor fixed some issues. Hence, why you were now walking towards the town's plaza, looking to have a bit of rest before you went ahead with your daily work, and to pick up some school supplies along the way.

     Something, however, seemed odd, for as you walked past a spiral-shaped fountain and the many rows of benches, you could see there was no one in sight. The plaza was empty, excluding a stray dog with strange, white fur, who was running about with what seemed to be a red ball. You admittedly wanted to take the little dog home with you each time you passed by him, yet you knew that until you had a home of your own, you weren't to keep any animals you found along your travels.

     As you walked further into the plaza, you could hear many voices cheering and shouting. Those voices seemed to get louder as you walked closer to the detour the little town had. You decided to take the detour, wanting to find out just what was this ruckus all about. The detour had taken you to the pavilion, a place where the Mayor would usually make an important announcement.

     This, however, was no announcement, for you could see a play similar to that of a wedding ceremony set up. Close to the play stood a crowd of people shouting a rather strange name, and they all seemed eager for someone to make an appearance. You, feeling awkward that you had arrived at such a moment as this one, looked at your surroundings. Once doing so, you could see there were other people walking towards the scene, which gave you relief, and made for you continue walking forward.

     You could hear more clearly the name the crowd was calling for, as you did so. 'Mettaton' was what you could understand. That name was rather familiar to you, and it made you want to venture forward into the crowd. You confirmed that it was indeed a background for a wedding ceremony, now that you had a better view of the play. As you took in the beautiful painting that composed the background, the lights lit up, to which the crowd responded by roaring and whistling.

     All of a sudden, a figure walked out of the left side of the play. You thought this was, perhaps, the one the crowd had so eagerly awaited for, and you believed it if it was so. The woman, or man-- you really couldn't tell, carried a lovely, white dress that gracefully cascaded down to the wooden floor. Their hair was beautifully decorated with a pink flower that seemed to pin down the veil, while the outfit matched with their elegant strides. You now found yourself entranced with each and every one of their movements.

     "Oh, my love. . ." they promptly began to sing, which made you even more surprised. "Please, run away. . ." they continued, dramatically placing a hand on their forehead, and looking sadly at the painted sky. "The Human King, forbids our marriage. . ."

Happily Ever Aftertale (Undertale Fanfic) (Soon To Be Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now