Chapter 37: With The Monsters

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Art made by chicaosito on Deviantart.

     After the large conflict that had taken over the City, both Justice and the Judge, along with everyone following them, were able to even out the sides. Having done so, the monsters' side was able to enter the City Hall-- they were able to reach safety. There, they successfully managed to proclaim their thoughts, and succeeded on having their voice noticed. 

     Unfortunately, everyone who'd participated and volunteered on lending a hand had received great damage. The younger ones, such as Frisk, your sibling, Monster Kid and many others, had gone down with hay fever, and carried many bruises on their small arms and legs. This matter made for Toriel, Sans, and Papyrus to take care of their injuries-- once they arrived to the humble home back at the Town. 

     Whereas, older monsters and humans were in a much more perilous state. Some monsters were left with only three to five HP, which led for Muffet, Grillby, and a purple bunny-woman to heal them all with their cooking. Humans, on the other hand, had to resort towards medicines and doctor's appointments. 

    Now, however, everything was calm. You were currently inside Asgore's home, for he'd invited you, plus all the other humans, for a reunion at his home. He desired to have a meaningful chat with everyone, seeing as you'd all have to eventually show up back at the City Hall for an interview with, hopefully, the governor of this country.

"Hello there, Serena." Asgore greeted, once seeing the short, caramel-skinned woman enter the living room of his home. 

     Seeing an auburn-haired woman with the well-known, blue uniform of her occupation arrive next to her, he decided to greet her as well.

"And nice to see you again, Justice. It's wonderful to see you both still have each other's back." he spoke, directing his words at the two women who'd just taken a seat.

"Hopefully, it will always be like that! Will it not, Justice?" Serena, the Judge, spoke, as she nervously tucked a stray strand of her light-brown hair behind her ear.

"'Course it will! We've practically been best buds since elementary school!" the energetic woman merrily spoke up, while flashing a bright smile at the woman sitting next to her side.

"I would like to thank you both deeply, for the amount help you have given to us has been outstanding." Asgore spoke, while offering them both a cup of golden-flower tea. I never would've imagined such positive results!"

"No need to thank us, Dreemurr! Those bratty folks had to be placed behind bars." Justice spoke, as she wore a determined stare over her stern features.

"Indeed. We simply couldn't be patient towards their actions any longer!" Serena added, while firmly nodding her head, and carefully taking a cup in her hands.

     The group of three continued to converse away the morning, while you were busy helping out Alphys with her calls. She'd hesitantly asked for your help, once receiving many calls from the humans who weren't sure on how they would arrive to Asgore's home.

     You accepted her frantic petition, and were currently answering everyone's questions on the small, yet highly advanced phone Alphys handed you over. Admittedly, it was hard to get a hang of both the phone and situation, yet you soon managed to keep up with things. 

     Once you were able to help her out from her troubles, you urged for her to leave towards her desired destination. She, from the room you were both in, had heard Undyne arrive at the living room.

     She was trying to ignore her presence, yet she was eager to ask her lover all about what had transpired at the City. At least... that was the excuse she'd used on you, for her bright eyes and reddened cheeks said otherwise. Not to mention, Asgore had already spoken plenty about the matter at said place.

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