Chapter 15: Back At It Again

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Art found on Pinterest.

     Undyne paced to and fro the rows of jail cells, eagerly waiting for the officer to return. As time passed by, she could feel herself getting more angry and impatient. If it weren't for Alphys's earlier encouragements and her herbal tea, she would've made a terrible mess.

"Miss Undyne, the Chief now requests your appearance."

     The officer which she had eagerly awaited for arrived. His figure was firmly standing in front of the open door, and his face was void of any precise emotion. To this, she nodded firmly in response, and walked briskly towards the office and the awaiting Chief.

"Good morning, miss Undyne. I assume you're here to denounce the group of villagers which you mentioned earlier?" the Chief asked, once seeing her take her assigned seat.

"Yes. They've done dastardly, despicable things."

"Very well. I will need you to explain me every matter as clear as possible." she began, while facing Undyne's gaze. "If I'm not mistaken, a lighter ruckus had took place and was formed by the same group of people before these events happened."

     To this, Undyne nodded quickly, yet firmly in response to her statement. "Yes, but this one was a much more bigger dispute. They both drugged and beat up a human."

     The Chief's eyes widened slightly once hearing this, yet she quickly regained her composure. She knew her kind wasn't very fond of monsters, and she had expected for this matter to involve a monster instead.

"I see. And what was this drug? Has it been analyze at all yet?"

"Yes it has. According to the doctor that examined them, it can cause hallucinations after they wake up from their trance." Undyne explained, hoping this would be the only thing left of the questioning.

      This was all wishful thinking, however, for she was in for a rather large questioning. Everyone was in for the tedious battle-- the battle that monsters had tried to avoid at all costs.


     You let out a groan in pain once fully aware of your body. Every bone of your body ached, and many parts of your flesh were a deep purple due to the bruises. Slowly opening your eyes, you could only see blurbs of colors. Once again, your glasses had been broken, and once again, your eye sight had diminished. You called out for the doctor, yet nobody came.

     As you blindly touched your surroundings, a hand was placed over your shoulder. Looking towards the direction, you could make out a purple dress and feel soft fur graze your arm. Once recognizing who it was, you gentle embraced the figure in a hug.

"A- Are you okay?" you asked, this time hoping you would receive a positive answer in response.

"Yes, dear. But shouldn't I be asking you that?" Toriel questioned jokingly, thus softly tightening the hug. 

     Her voice signaled she was on the verge of tears.

"I'm fine. But, is everyone else okay?" you asked, trying to shrug off the pain you felt.

"Yes, everyone is doing good. Frankie and Frisk are home with Papyrus-- and Undyne and Alphys went off to discuss some issues with Asgore and the Chief." she replied, thus gently letting go of the hug. "Ah, and Sans just came back with these." she added, thus taking your bruised hand and placing a small, black case on top of it.

"Eh? A- Are these new?" you questioned in disbelief, once recognizing what the small case was.
"How?! I- I mean, I broke mine just... yesterday!"

"__________, you've been in a comma for a month now." Toriel replied, her voice hinting sadness.

"What?!" you exclaimed, completely taken aback by such a reply.

     You couldn't have been such a long time in a comma, for that would imply that your sibling had to fend off on their own for the past thirty days. That would imply that the monster children were once again left without a mathematics teacher. That would imply, that the friendly group of monsters had to look out for both you and Frankie for thirty tedious days.

     You were now drowning yourself in your thoughts, and were soon to lose yourself in them. However, you were promptly snapped out of your trance after hearing soft giggles and laughs quite close to you.

     Seeing your startled face and reaction, Toriel couldn't help but let a fit of soft laughter escape her lips.

"I'm kidding, dear. I'm kidding!" she replied through soft giggles.

"Oh..." you mumbled, once hearing the goat lady's soft giggles and seeing her blurry, yet joyful face.

     Deciding it was best to wear your given glasses first, you took them out and softly placed them over your patched nose. Once doing so, you were greeted by Toriel, who had a warm smile on her face.

"Then... How long was I in a comma?" you asked again, feeling awfully terrible once doing so.

"Only a couple of days. During that time, we've managed to do a few things." she began, now sitting on the hospital bed right next to you. "It honestly saddens me to ask this so quickly... But, do you have any memory of the incident?"

"I..." you trailed off, having a foggy memory of the drugging and beating you had received. "I... I can only remember being injected with something... After that, everything is just a big blur..." you finished, feeling disgusted with yourself. 

     You had caused a lot of problems to everyone, and you weren't so fond of that.

"Honestly, I've brought so much disgrace. I should've just let Frankie go back with Jessie." you blurted out, unable to hold back your anger and regret.

"To be honest, kid, I don't think that would've been the best choice." a low voice spoke up, thus appearing right next to the hospital bed.

"Oh? What do you mean?" you questioned, once seeing a certain, short skeleton appear next to you

"She was in the crowd, and she didn't seem too regretful of being part of it." the usually smiling skeleton replied. 

This time, however, his permanent grin seemed to show disgust.

Hearing those words, a small, yet sad smile played on your lips. 

"I... I kind of expected that."

"How come?" he questioned, his tone signaling he was eager for a reply.

"Well... I've never been favored much among her and the villagers. In all honestly, I think the only reason she didn't go against me all these years was because I took care of Frankie."

"All these years?" Toriel questioned in shock. "But didn't this all happened when you fell down the ruins?"

     Silence took over for a moment, and you found yourself  thinking on whether you should tell the two about everything, or if it was best to be discrete.

"That was only part of the mix." you replied after the short, yet tense period of silence, while letting a humorless chuckle escape their lips. "It was the last string to pull their trigger."

To Be Continued


Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed, and be seeing you on the next chapter next Monday, where I'll be clarifying certain things about future updates! ☺

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