Chapter 43: Supressed Souls

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     Finally, the day was here. The day in which the monsters' future would be decided had finally arrived. You were currently inside the Governor's office, one of the many rooms that the Capitol possessed. She had received everyone with a stern face, yet the longer everyone managed to speak with her, the more open and relaxed she became.

     Surprisingly, she wasn't expecting the monsters to debate for their rights and their freedom. Rather, the first thing she spoke when everyone arrived was: "I don't wish to argue with any one of you about this matter. Just like us, you are all living beings with lives of your own. I only wish to learn about the troubles you've been facing, so I can find a solution for these problems."

     With a bit of effort and a lengthy exchange of words, she was able to learn about the monsters, and all the troubles that they and their supports were going through. She listened intently at what everyone had to say, and soon enough, she carried a solid conclusion for this meeting already set on her mind.

     "We will try our best to avoid any possible discrimination to be formed. However, you must keep in mind that these changes will take some time to take a larger effect." She took a pause, permitting for her stern features to lighten up. "Of course, this does not mean we will ignore acts such as the one that you experienced at the City. . . Now, if anyone does dare to start a fight, we will make sure they are penalized."

     The Governor lifted herself up from the chair, as she made her way towards the window on the opposite side from where she stood. She parted the thin, almost feather-like curtains, whilst a frown began to form over her face. With an almost emotionless tone residing in her voice, she shared her thoughts out loud.

     "Just like today," she spoke, while turning her body around to face the expectant group of people. "that a fellow group of protesters have decided to attack our guards."

     With the gesture of her hand, she allowed for everyone to observe the controversy that was beginning to form outside. A small army of guards were fighting against them, trying to prevent them from barging in on the Capitol. In what had been only a few minutes, the ired folks had caused great damaged to her guards, and they didn't show any sings of giving up just yet.

     After witnessing this conflict, she focused her gaze on Asgore, with her lips turning into a tense line. The thought that'd crossed her mind had a good possibility to be effective, yet the risks it could bring made her doubtful of speaking her mind.

     "Sir Asgore," she began, whilst stepping closer towards where he stood. She lifted her gaze to match with the height of the goat gentleman, who carried a warm smile over his fuzzy features. "I would like to request that you join me in facing these group of protesters outside. Will you have the honor of accepting this request?"

     "Of course!" He exclaimed, with his smile now becoming wider. "I gladly accept your request, miss Governor."

     The Governor nodded in response to his words, as her gaze then shifted towards Toriel. She walked to where the goat lady stood, asking the same question she directed towards the gentleman.

     "I accept." Toriel sighed softly, having made memory of a melancholic experience. "Although, I must admit that it has been a while since I've confronted with such a large scale of people."

     Noticing the tone in Toriel's voice, a short skeleton nearby clenched at the border of his jacket. He didn't desire for the woman to confront any other battles, and as much as his mind was telling him to yell out 'no!', he decided against it. With great reluctance, he heaved out a sigh, as he tried to shake off the worry that'd crept onto his soul.

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