Chapter 27: To Gain Detemmienation

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Art made by Colodraws

     Time seemed to have stopped. All you could feel was their cold touch, and all you could see was their threatening stare. You wanted to yell at them, but no words would come out. Your eyes were locked with their empty, black ones, that you were certain sometimes glowed a deep red. It was a red so deep, it reminded you of your eye incident from many months before.

"I heard you were looking for a partner..." they murmured, as they lowered their face unto the crook of your neck.

      Their lips were dangerously close to your skin, and you could feel their breath was as cold as the rain from Waterfall. You were already far from uncomfortable, and their persistent gaze added to your worry and fear.

"I can be anything you want me to be. A wife, a husband, both... It doesn't really matter to me. I can help you, dear __________. I can help you gain what you most eagerly desire." they continued, each word resulting in more puffs of icy breaths hitting your neck's skin.

     You could feel their nails digging deep into your palm, which made you bite on your lower lip. It felt as if a razor was slicing right through your veins.

"I can help you obtain Frank's-"

     Just as they were about to murmur more offers, a cheerful voice interrupted the two of you.

"HOI THERE!" a white, cat-dog creature exclaimed, as she burst between you and they.

     The creature seemed to have noticed your troubling state, and had decided to intervene before the matters worsened.

"Tem sees a cute hooman! Tem must talk with hooman for a seconds!" Tem, as she referred herself to, explained, as she took your hands in her fluffy, snow-white paws.

     She looked at you, and then at the lanky figure. Then, she repeated it one last time, becoming annoyed once seeing them stay in place.

"Ex-cooze me! Tem needs privacy here!" Tem shooed, referring to the figure that had previously cornered you with their eyes and breathing.

"Ah, pardon me, miss... Tem." the figure excused themselves, as they walked away, and gave a curt bow.

     Tem glared at the figure until they were no longer in her sight. Once disappearing from her vision, her glare was quickly replaced with a bright, yet sympathetic smile.

"Are you okay?" she questioned in worry, as she placed her paws on your lower legs.

"I... I think so." you murmured, feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything that had just transpired. "Er, thank you... Tem, is it?

"Temmie! Or Tem... You can calls me either one!" she cheerfully agreed, as she pulled at your leg with her paws. "Now, follow me, cute hooman! I have to show you to mai friends!"

     You nodded to her words, and later proceeded to follow her. She seemed rather ecstatic about meeting you, for you could see her body was shaking quite uncontrollably. The two of you walked towards the outside of the diner, where four other cat-dog creatures stood seated on the sidewalk.

"Hoi! I'm Temmie!" the one with red spots all over her face greeted, as she gave you a little wave with her paw. "And dis is mai friend: Temmie!"

     She signaled to her other friend, who seemed a bit, though not entirely, calmer than her.

"Hoi! I'm Temmie!" she happily greeted. "... And dis is mai friend... Temmie!"

     The third one, who seemed even more excited than the one you had met first, was shaking her tail in excitement.

Happily Ever Aftertale (Undertale Fanfic) (Soon To Be Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now