chapter 1

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Hey guys, welcome to my first book.

As this is the first book I ever wrote, I do have to warn you that it will most likely be cringy/filled with errors, but not to worry, I'm slowly working on that. Feel free to vote, comment and tell me what you think.

Hope you enjoy!

With big smiles,

Jaco de Jongh.

***Find me on instagram @ jcodejongh101 ****

Song of chapter: Bird set free by Sia


~I don't care if I sing of key
I found myself in my melody
I sing for love
I sing for me
I'll shout it out
Like a bird set free.

Chapter 1 : Peter's POV.

"Peter!" My mother yells from downstairs. "You need to wake up, or your're gonna be late!"

I realy hate it when my mother does that. Always yelling and making sure that everyone hears her voice. Sometimes she really gets on my nerves and sometimes it seems like she's trying to make my life miserable. Let me start at the beginning... we used to be a happy family of four. My dad, my mkther, my brother Barry and of cource, me. Then She got divorced with my father and everything went downhill from there. And let's be honest, no child likes it when their parents get divorced and I think it's safe to say that I really don't like my mother for that. But I do not not like her her for doing it, I just dont like her for the pain she caused us. But what really sucks even more, is that my brother is her favourite. Her reason? I look too much like my dad. Great reason right?

And then there is my dad and the reason my mother filed a divorce... my dad, well, he was a complicated man. He was always away with work and the whole fact of the story is that he just didn't return home one day. A few days later a letter arrived in the mail to state that he couldn't live with us anymore. No reasons. No explanations at all. And he didn't say where he went. So to sum up my family, messed up parents who both needs a slap in the face.

I get out of bed and look into the mirror. My brown hair is a mess and I need a shave but I am going to skip that. I quikly get dressed in a plain black T-shirt and blue jeans. I brush my hair swiftly and put on my glasses. So that's me. A plain boy who desperately needs some grooming tips with glasses.

When I get downstairs I see my brother already there, munching on a slice toast. His golden brown hair is styled neatly. He looks over at me with his blue green eyes and shows off his pearly whites like he usually does when he sees me. He is muscular and is wearing his usual black jacket I don't know why but he likes it. The is Barry Jackson. The most popular guy in school. The jock. The guy that every girl wants. The guy who hooks up with anything that wears a dress. My brother.

Sadly, despite everything that we went through, we just don't get along. We're always in each other's throats or something.

"Ah, there you are!" My brother says. "How is my favourite twin brother?"

Yup, we're twins. No one would think that but then again, when do brothers and sisters ever look alike? Okay... maybe the do sometimes...

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