Chapter 19

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~that you and I
Could learn to love again
After all this time
That is how I knew you were the one.

Peter's POV

There was no words to describe how I felt when I heard that Kelly had been shot.

And the worst part is that it was all my fault. I was the one who called the cops and informed them about everything...

Kelly was rushed to the hospital as soon as possible. And right now, I was sitting in the waiting room with the rest of her family, waiting for her to come out of surgery.

What if she dies? What if-

"Listen, Peter. All of this. Is not your fault. You actually saved us and we really appreceate it." Kelly's stepmom said to me. Her words was enough to make me smile a little. I looked at her stepmother. It is actually the first time I actually get a good look of her.

Her dark brown eyes was bloodshed from crying. Her face was alot like Kevin's, but she had long waivy blonde hair that was tied back in a ponytail.

"Thanks mrs. Underwood" I said forcing a smile on my face.

She returned the smile but looked away as a docter came into the waiting room. We all stood up at the same time.

"Mrs. Underwood?" He asked.

"Thats me." Kelly's stepmom said. "Is everything allright?"

The docter was a middle aged man with light brown hair and green eyes. He was tall and took good care of himself.

"No everything is fine." He said. A sence of relief washed over me and it felt as if the wieght of the world was lifted off of my shoulders. "However, the bullet shattered her collerbone and it will need some time to heal. She will be discharged tomorrow morning. She will need rest and can't go to school for the week. But otherwise, she will be fine."

"Um-" Kevin started. "Can we go see her?" He asked the dockter.

"Yah sure, she's on the third floor room 198." He said and turned away, leaving us all behind.

The five of us, me, Kevin, Kelly's stepmom and the two brothers crambed into an elevator. Kevin quikly pressed the number three and we started our juirney up to the third floor. I felt a little uncomfortable in the scilence but I didn't care.

When we reached the third floor, we went to room 198. Kevin nocked softly and went in. He was followed by his brothers and mother.

I just stood in the hallway wondering what to say to her when I go inside. What if she is mad at me? What if she doesn't want to see me?

I heard them all talking softly inside. Probably asking her how she is doing.

I took a deep breath to calm my rapid heartbeat and steped inside the room.

The moment I steped in, everyone stoped talking and looked at me. Kelly looked at me with her ocean blue eyes. Her hair was a ratsnest and her face was as pale as a ghost.

"Let's give you two a moment." Kelly's mom said and grabed her sons' hands and led them out of the room. Kevin walked out and closed the door, leaving me and Kelly alone in the room.

"Hey." I said waiving my hand at her.

"Hi." She replied.

"So, how are you feeling?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"I'm fine thank you." She said looking out of the window.

"Listen Kelly, I'm sorry. I didn't know that he will shoot you. I really am sorry." I said taking her hand and crouching beside her bed. "I understand if you are mad at me."

"What? No." She said looking back at me. "Listen, Peter. I am not mad at you. Not at all! I actually want to thank you for calling the cops. If you didn't call them, the rest of my family would have beed dead by now. So thank you. You saved our lives."

I looked at her ashamed. I fell so guilty for getting her shot, but her apoligising wasn't something what I have been expecting.

"But, I got you shot." I said looking down.

Kelly lifted my chin with her two fingers and smiled softly at me. "Peter. That is not your fault. You didn't pull the trigger, you cept the trigger from being pulled more than once."

I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. She immedeately kissed me back and that made me happy. Unfirchenately, we need oxygen to live so Kelly pulled away breathing heavily.

"Peter, what are we?" Kelly asked.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked confused.

"Well, you never asked me to be your girlfriend so tecneckly, we are not dating. We are basicly just friends that make out every now and then." She said matter of fackly.

I chuckled at her statement, even though it is true.

"Well then." I said getting down on one knee taking her hand in mine. "Kelly Underwood. Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend?"

"I would be honoured to be your girlfriend Peter Jacksom." She said in an english accent.

"Soooo, that's a yes?" I asked smiling like an idiot.

"What kind of question is that?" She asked. "Of cource that is a yes!" She exclaimed throwing her good arm around my neck and kissed me once again.

This time I was the one to pull away. I felt something that I never felt before. I looked at the girl in front of me and the feeling just grew. I immedeately knew at that moment that I am falling for this girl, and I am falling hard.


Welp that is it for today.

So what do you think of Peter's situation... hehehehe....

Well let me know.

The song at the beginning of the chapter is "learn to love again" by Lawson. Hope you enjoyed it!😉😉


With HUGE smiles😆😆



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