chapter 3

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Pic of Kelly above :-)


~you shoot me down,
But I won't fall
I am titanium.

Kelly's POV.

I sit in the car with my brother on our way home, looking at the passing by homes, trees and pedestrians. Everything looks so peaceful. Why couldn't my life just be like that? I mean, my brother is mean, my Dad is a- no. Don't think about that.

"So, you and that other guy?" My brother asks, quikly looking at me, wiggling his eyebrows before he turned his attension back to the road.

"What, no! We are just friends." I really didn't like it when he was like this. He always does this before he says something that users me... Why? 'Cause that's who Keven is.

"I don't like you hanging out with him." He says looking at me as when he stops at the traffic light.

I can't believe this! He doesn't even know him and he already dislikes him! What did Peter's brother tell him? Probably something bad since Peter told me that his brother always tries to ruin his reputation.

"Why?" I ask getting angry. "I am trying to move on and mabey you should to! I do not want to have friends of your choice anymore! It sucks you know!"

"Well? How did it turn out the last time you chose your own friend huh? Rosy? How did that turn out for you?" He ask me. I feel the anger and hatered for him boiling inside of me. How dare he? How dare he mentions her? He knows that I hate to talk about... her... but he still brings it up!

"How dare you?" I ask softly, forcing the tears that threatened to fall back.

"What?"he ask.


"Wow, calm sown sis!" He says, his gaze softening. I am so pissed with him right now.

"NO! I AM NOT YOUR SISTER! I WILL NEVER BE YOUR SISTER! AND YOU WILL NEVER BE MY BROTHER!" I yell at him. I feel the dears I desperately tried to stop slip out of my eyes and roll down my cheek. I guikly rub them off and glare at him. I really hate him."Now shut up and drive." I mumble softly but he heard me.

He looks socked. I don't care. He looked hurt. I don't care. All he ever does is hurt me and I'm uterrely sick of it. He sits back into his chair and drives on without another word.

I look out the window at the passing by houses and peolpe. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe it away quikly and force myself not to cry. He won't see me cry. He won't see me weak. Not now, not ever.

When we get home I storm out of the car, leaving the door open behind me, and run into the house.

I go straight up to my bedroom and throw myself on my bed. I burry my head in my pillow and scream before I started to cry, not holding a single tear back.


Peter's POV

Yesterday was the worst day of my life. And I mean THE WORST. Yes I met a nice girl who I really like, but my mother hit me! And not just a slap, but with her fist on my nose! Now I even hate her MORE.

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