Chapter 40

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The banner was made by yours truely.

P.S. This is the chapter you have been waiting for...😉😉


I feel like I want to die. Well, I am overly excited, but I think that I am pannicking more that what I am being happy.

Today is the day of our party. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

I only invited my few friends, including the two girls that Emily begged us to invite, and Barry invited another few people. And by a 'few' I mean the whole football team and cheerleading squad, plus a few other jocks and girls.

I'm not sure if I should call them sluts or not, because a few of them is actually nice and smart... well there is no telling with Barry.

The party is going to start in five minutes, well my friends are already here. So now we are waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive.

My mom bought us a huge cake, wich I am happy for. A party without cake isn't a party at all, right?

"Peter, relax." Kelly says beside me. I look at her to see her amazingly beautiful smile. The smile that I love. The smile of the person that I love. I return the smile and hug her. I place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"What would I do without you, Kells?" I ask. She chuckles and pulls away. She p,aces her hands on my shoulders and squeezes slightly.

"Sweety, you would probably be lying in a ditch, unable to do anything." She says teasingly. I gasp, with fake hurt and shove her lightly. She laughs hugs me. "I'm just joking."

I push her away from me and put my hand on my heart. "Joke or no joke, that did hurt my self esteem."

"Stop being a baby." She rolled her eyes. She triwd to look seriois, but failed and a grin made its way onto her face.

The doorbell rings and Barry walks to it. He opens it and allows the people to walk in. I swear that they all came in the same car, because everyone literally showed up at the same time.

I blink a few times but then shrug it off. They all congragulate Barry and hand him a gift, before turning to me to give me a gift and tell me happy birthday. I am a little shocked with them because this is the closest some of us ever came to talking without insulting or puntching eachotherer. Well, more like them puntching and me just trying to defend myself. Oh well. I am not going to bring that up tonight.

Musick started to play in the backdround. I sweatpr that Barry is supposed to ne deaf. He allways listens to his music this loud. And I. HATE. IT.

I roll my eyes and walk into the living room, where everyone was seated. Well more like dancing and jumping around like a buntch of monkeys. Kelly came over to me, swaying her hips with every step. She smirked at me and wincked when she saw that I am checking her out.

She came closer to me and threw her arms around my neck. My hands slipped around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Our noses were an inch apart. I looked into her eyes. Her face held the most breath taking smile on the planet. She leaned in closer.

As soon as our lips touched, sparks flef threw my body. She pulled away. It took all the will in me not to kiss her again. Her eyes sparkled. Her smile was still on her rosy lips.

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