Chapter 33

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I swear they make the school bell so defening on purpouse. I think it's to quiet down the students for some reason.

Well, today is the first day of school after the Christmas break. And let me tell you, after waking up late for a week, it sucks to just go back to your normal scedual. So yah, it just sucks.

I walk out of the classroom and decide to go to my locker before I go to the cafeteria. And that was probebly not sutch a good idea.

As soon as I opened my locker, a small piece of paper came flying out. I picked it up and examined it in my hands. It was a small, pink envelope. A strange colour for a letter.

I open the small envelope and take out a piece of paper. The next few words did not make any sense to me at all. It read:

Enjoy what you have with Kells, Peter because it won't last as long as you think. The end of you two is near.
And remember: I'm always watching you.

Well this sucks. I mentally yell in my head. What the hell are these people talking about, and who the hell are they? The end of you two is near. What is that suposed to mean?

I fold up the piece of paper and stuff it in my pocket. I might as well ask someone like Alice, but not Kelly. I don't want to stress her out though.

I take a deep breath and slam my locker shut. I will not allow a stupid poece of to paper ruin my day.

As I walk in the school halways, I just can't shake the creepy feeling of being watched. I know it's probebly just my head messing with me, but this feels... different.

I walk into the buisy school cafiteria and spot Kelly walking with Alice. They are both walking to our usual table and is talking about heck knows what. As I walk into their direction, the school jock stops me.

"Hey you're Peter, right?" I look at him as if he just grew three heads.

"Yes." I say.

"Well, I noticed that you are hanging out with that blondie, what's her name? Oh yah, Kelly." I looked at him with even bigger eyes. What does he want with Kelly? Does he even know that she is my girlfriend? Probebly not. This guy is Barry's best friend and Barry isn't exactly the guy to tell his friends about my life.

"What about her?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Well, I wanted to know if you know what she likes, because I think she is kinda hot and I want to go out with her." He says.

"Listen, Gale is it?" I ask.


"Kelly is um. I don't know how to say this. She is my girlfriend, so I sugest you stay away from her. Okay? Okay. We're done here." I leave him there with a surprised expression and walk into the direction of our table.

"Peter!" Alice yells as soon as she sees me, causing a smile to snake onto my face.

"Hey guys." I wave at them and stop next to Kelly. I place my hand on her shoulder and bend down to kiss her on the cheek.

"Hey." She says. "I saw you talking to Gale. What was that about?" She asks.

"Oh that. Well he just wanted some tips in asking you out. That's it." I say. She raises her eyebrows.

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