Chapter 30

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Peter's POV

The past few weeks has gone by in a blur. Nothing bad or special actually happened.
But that is fine with me. After our amazing thanksgiving, Ben ad to leave for universaty, but he is coming back today since it is five days till Chirstmas and we are going on a family holliday.

But right now, I am seated on the coutch with Kelly, watching her favourite movie. "The Hunger Games".

After our date, that Saturday, it basickly became our thing to go out every friday night, or just stay at home and watch a movie. So yah, that is my life at the moment.

But also, on the day after our huge date, I woke up in Kelly's bed with my mother calling me. As soon as I picked up the phone, she yelled at me and demanded to know where I am...

Oh, and the best part, Kelly's sling came off, so now she can dance again, and is dancing for the school. We already went to one of her shows, and let me tell you, she is amazing!

So, here I am. On the coutch. Watching Hunger Games.

Kelly shifted beside me, making me look at her. Her eyes are glued to the screen taking in every detail of the movie. I really enjoy The Hunger Games movies, but I like the books more, as it gives you more information.

I turn back to the screen and see that we are almost at the end of the movie. We are now at the part where Katniss shoots Cato in the hand with an arrow to save Peta. The rest of the movie goes by in a haze and I snap back to reality as soon as the end credits roles onto the screen.

"I'll never get tired of that movie." Kelly sighes beside me.

"Oh, yeah?" I say sarcastically.

"Oh, come on!" She says next to me. "Don't tell me that you don't like these movies!"

"No, I like them. Just we watched all four movies at least three times." I say.

"So? I like the movies... live with it." She says, raising one eyebrow.

I roll my eyes and chuckle softly. Then I pull her close and press my lips against hers. I can feel her smile into the kiss, witch makes me smile.

After a while, I start to deepen the kiss. Our lips move in perfect sink.

"Umm, sorry to inturrupt, but there is someone here who wants to see you, little stepbrother." I hear Ben say behind me. I groan and pulled away from Kelly. She blushed deeply in embarresment. I turned to look at Ben.

"Hi, Ben. How goes?" I ask.

"It was great, but then I had to see you two." He looks at Kelly. "Hey, Kelly."

Kelly looked at him with a super red face. "Hi, Ben. How was universaty?" She asked trying to make the situation less ackward.

"It's fine thank you." He said smiling. "Peter, Dad said that you should pack for the trip."

I nodded and he left the room.

"So, I should be leaving then." Kelly said.

"I guess..." I say looking down, a little embarreced that Ben just saw me make out with my girlfriend. "Let me go get your things." I stood up and Kelly shortly followed behind me, all the way to my room. I grabbed her bags and we both walked down the stairs to the front door.

"Bye, Peter. I'll miss you." Kelly says as she steps in front of her car door, and opened it.

"Bye, Kells. I'll miss you more." I say and winck at her, making her blush. I pull her close to me and hug her tightly.

"Text me every nidgt, okey?" She asks. I nod and she slips into the car. "Merry Cristmas!"

"Merry, Cristmas!" I say back and then she reverses out of our driveway. I wave one last time before she disapered around the corner. Before turning around to go back into my house, I look back to the corner where Kelly turned off one last time.

I walk into the house and up the stairs. Everyone is already running around to get everything packed. Well, everyone except me. I packed the day before and now I just need to pack the remaining things, like my toothbrush.

"Peter!" I hear my mother call.

"Yes, mom?" I ask.

"Just bring your bags downstairs when you are finished packing!" She yelled back. I roled my eyes slightly.

"Okey!" I yell back, and walk into my bathroom to grab my last few things. Oh, and I slipped a present into Kelly's bag, with a note to say that she should not open it till christmas.

I smile at that thought and grab my toothbrush. As I turn around, something catches my eye on my nightstand, back in my room. I frown and walk to it. I smile as I see it. It is a small box wraped neatly. A note is attatched to it and I pick it up to read it.

Merry christmas!
I hope you enjoy the small gift I got you!
P.S. Don't open it untill Christmas! ;-)

I smile as I place the note and the neatly wrapped box into my bag.

"Peter?" I hear Emily say at my door.

"Yah?" I ask.

"You and Barry are driving with me and Ben, apparently." She sighes, making me look at her.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, our Dad wanted us to have some sibling time, as if we don't heve enough of it already." She rolls her eyes, making me smile.

"Am I really that bad, huh?" I ask, faking an offended expression. "It hurts right here, you know." I place my hand on my heart, making her laugh.

"Just, get your butt out of this room, with your bags, and get to the car." She smiles as she walkes out of the room, mumbeling something to herself in another language. Wait! Another language?

I shrug it off and pock up my bag. I look around one last time, making sure I remembered everything I need, before I step out of my room and start the short jeourny to the car.

I am the last one to exit the house, so I need to lock the door.

I walk to the car, to see that they are al, waiting for me there. Mom and Paul aready left, leaving us here. I place my bag in the trunk of the car and climb into the backseat with Barry.

"Okey, let's go!" Ben chirped and started the enjin.


Well, that is it for the day! I really hope you enjoyed it!

Well, let me know who you guys think who is behind the Secret POV, and there is going to be more tips, of who it is in the next chapter!

Remember to vote and comment!!


Stay awesome!

Yours truely,


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