Chapter 22

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~All my life
One page at a time
I'll show you my,
My true colors.


The final bell of friday, is like muisick to my ears. As soon as it rang, I literally ran out of the classroom.

I can't wait to get out of here. This hellhole they call school.

"Hey, Peter!" I hear a voice eco in the crowded halls. Alex. "Wait up!"

Alex is actually a very cool guy. Despite his creepy looks and all. But I really like him. Well I actually should have known that I would like him. Because if Alice likes someone, they really must have done something to impress her.

"Hey Alex." I greet as he comes to a standstill next to me. "What's up?" I ask.

"Well, I was actually wondering if I could catch a ride with you to Alice's house. Since I um... don't really know where she lives." He said scratching his neck. I could tell that he was embarriced.

And it turns out that Alex only lives a few houses away fom me. In the same street.

"Yah sure. No problem." I say smiling at him.

"Oh, great. I was actually scared that you would say no." He said relif washing all over his face.

"Um... okey. I'll pick you up half past five?" I ask him raising my eyebrows.

"Yah, sure. See you then." He says quikly walking off to his car. I frown a little to how he is acting and walk to my car. I drove out of the school parking lot as quikly as possable... I just really need a break from that place. This week, is really not in my favour.


"Mom!" I yell from the front door. "I'm leaving."

"Okey, honey. Enjoy it!" She yells from the kitchen. Things have gotten a lot better with me and my mother, but went past the south pole with me and Barry. It's been three weeks since the Kelly incedent, and he still hasn't said a word to me. Not that I'm complaining...

I quikly drive to Alex's house and before I could even climb out to go press the doorbell, he storms out, anger written all over his face. He turns around and yell something into the house before he slams the door shut and stomp his way to my car. I knew something was off with him today...

"Hey." I greet as soon as he gets into my car.

"Hey." He greets back and looks out of the window.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask driving away from his house. He looks at me, his eyes softening a bit.

"No." He said.

I just left it there. Not wanting to make this ride even more ackward. We drove in scilense for about thirty minutes. Alice lives a while away from our neighborhood. In the richer part of town. But Jhonny? No that guy is loaded with money.

We finally reached Alice's house and I parcked my car in the driveway. Two other cars is already parked there that indecates that we are the only missing peoples.

Her house is about double the size of my house. Witch makes me wonder what they did in Canada to earn all of this money.

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