Chapter 23

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Right now, I am standing in the dressing rooms, getting ready for the wedding. The venu is this super fancy place by the lake ,an hour out of the city.

My mother still needs to arrive in her fancy little limo, where Barry and I will escort her down the isal. My grandparents insisted that Barry and I do all of the work, since they are getting 'old'.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I see a complete different person of the one a few weeks ago. I look more happy. My eyes are shining in happyness, not like a month ago. They used to look dark, and sad. But all of my new and amazing friends helped me get through the hard times.

But I wasn't the only one who changed. My mother smiles more, and is nice to everyone. She had a more natural glow the past gew days, and I was happy for her and Paul.

The only person, who didn't become happier, is Barry. I think he hates everyone and everything to do with our family. He bacame darker, and bullied more childeren at school. He usually locks himself up in his room every afternoon and blasts his muisick at the highest volume.

Ben and Emily, are two very nice people and I would love to have them as family. They warmed up with all of my friends very well, especially Emily (If you know what I mean*wink, wink*)

There is a faint knock on my door that pulls me out of my thoughts. I opened the door to reviel Paul standing there in his very expensive, very fancy tux.

"Your mother will be arriving soon. You need to get at the door." He said taking a deep breath. His hand were balled into fists very tightly that hus knuckeles were starting to turn white and he was rocking side to side on his feet. A person would have to be blind not to see that he us nervous.

"Relax." I say placing my hand on his shoulder and giving a reasuring smile. "My mother is a very lucky woman, and you are onle very lucky man."

"Thanks, Peter." He says returning the smile. "You're a great kid. And I am proud to be calling you my son." That words makes me very happy. I don't know why, but it just does. "Now, get to the door. Barry is already there." He says snapping me to reality.

"Right." I say straightening my blazer and walking to the door where Barry is already waiting.

As I walk out of the door to stand and wait outside, a white BMW pulls up in front of us. The driver, who is smartly dressed, climbes out and walks to the other side of the car and open the door for my mother.

The woman that climbed out of the car, made me gasp.

She was wearing a sleeveless white dress, that hugged her top tightly. The dress was long. It fell to the floor and dragged after my mother wherever she walked. The top part of the dress was covered in paturns of blingy thingies...

My mother's hair was nicely curled and pulled up into a bun with a few loose strands of hair falling out. To say that she was beatyfull, is a poor chose of words. She looked gorgous.

"Wow mom. You look beatyful." I say as she walkes to us.

"Why thank you, Peter." She says with a huge smile on her face. "Well, let's get going."

I hooked my arm with hers and guided her to the door. Barry did the same on the other side. I could feel my mother shaking.

"Mom, relax." I say to her.

She nods obediantly and takes a deep breath.

The bridesmades walkes into the chapel. We wait untill they open the doors for us to go in.

As soon as the doors opened the people in the chapel stood up. All the eyes were on us. No. On my mother. The soft piano muisick played in the background as we walked.

I looked up to see a very happy Paul standing at the priest. He had a huge smile on his face. He looked straight into my mothers eyes. At his sides stood Emily and Ben. Ben was wearing the same kind of suit as me and Barry.

Emily on the other hand, was wearing a red cocktail dress with a bough tieing around her middle. Her hair was braided around her head and then came falling down her left shoulder.

They were both smiling just like Paul.

Unaware of what I am doing, a smile forms on my lips. Our family will finally be whole again. After all of this time of grief and sadness, I can finally see the end of it.

As my mother walkes up onto the stage, Paul takes her hand gently and guides her to stand in front of the priest. Barry and I go stand next to Ben. Everyone is looking at us and I'm starting to feel self consous, but I don't really care.

All the words of the priest went into my ears and straight out. I just fokused on the happy couple in front of me. Hoping that one day, I could be the groom standing up there with the person I love most.

"Do you, Paul Willson, take Sally Jacksom as your lawfully weddid wife?" The priest askes. Scilence fills the chapel as we all wait for Paul to answer him.

"I do." He says with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"And do you, Sally Jacksom, take Paul Willson as your lawfully wedded husband?" He askes again.

"I do." My mother answeres almost immedeately smiling even bigger than Paul.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Before I could blink my eye, Paul sweeps my mother into his arms and kisses her gently on the lips. We all cheer and clap. Well all except Barry. I look at him and frown. He catches my eye and shrugs. Is it just me, or was there tears in his eyes?

My mother and now stepfather comes down and is imedeately ingulfed in hugs and kisses. My mother and Paul walks to us, and by us I mean me, Barry, Ben and Emily.

"So?" Ben askes my parents. "What now?"

My mom and Paul lookes at eachother and smiles.

"Now son," Paul starts to say. "We go celibrate."


Hey, hey, hey! Any favourite part so far? Well, I have mine... hehehe.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter as mutch as I enjoyed writing about it... At the beginning of the chapter, I have pictures of how I want Peter's parents to look, but you can make it anyone you like.

Well let me know what you think! And please remember to vote! Because most of you probably know that I entered the book for the wattys2016... so please vote. Don't be a scilent reader...


With HUGE smiles



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