chapter 18

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Kelly's POV

Today was suposed to be a happy day.

But as usual the univerese always finds a way to throw my happiness back in my face. First Barry, now my Dad. Agian!

Soetimes, I really HATE my life.

"What do you mean?" I asked dumbfolded. I needed to know more about this. I just did...

"Kelly, we haven't told you. But when mom kicked dad out, the last thing he said was that he was going to be back for his daughter. He means you..." Kevin said.

"How could you ceep that valuble information fro me!" I yelled punching his arm. Tears were clouding my vision. How could they?

"We thought it was a bluff..." he started.

"No!" I yelled standing up. I was so mad at him right now. "That isn't the kind of info you leave out!"

"Kelly, I'm sorry. I really am." Kevin said looking down with guilt.

"You should be Kevin." I stated. I took a few deep breathes to calm myself down. I looked at Kevin. "What are we going to do?" I asked.

"I do not know." He said. "Dad said that if you don't go-" He was inturupted by my phone ringing. I took it and looked at the caller id.

It was a private number. I picked it up and the caller was the person I wanted to hear the least right now.

"Hello kelly." He said through the phone.

"Hi dad." I said with a sick feeling in my stomach. "What do you want."

"Oh kelly... I want you of cource!" He said with an evil voice. I could hear sounds in the background.

"No, Dad!" I said stubbornly.

"No? No! Well then I would just have to kill this pretty step mother and brothers of you. Now won't that be a problem?" He said like it was nothing. I could feel the blood draining from my face. Kevin mothed a 'sorry' to me. I could feel my eyes burning with tears. What should I do?

"Dad. I will come back. Just don't hurt them." I said softly. Peter had a shocked expression on his face.

"Be here in a few minutes... don't even think about calling the cops or they will die!" He yelled and hanged up.

"Kelly, you can't possibly consider going to him, can you?" Peter asked. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Peter, I have to. Otherwise an eight and five year old boys will die!" I yelled. The tears started to run. I just couldn't ceep them back anymore. I had to do something. I just had to.

"I'm coming with you." Peter said.

I shaked my head vilently. "No. Peter you will get hurt." I said still shaking my head. "Kevin, we have to go." I stated. Kevin looked down and walked to the door, me following.

I could hear Peter call my name, but I ignored it and climbed into the car with Kevin.


The house was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. My heart was pounding in my chest.

I really didn't want to face my dad.

"Dad." I yelled.

"Ah, Kelly. So nice of you to join us." My dad said behind me. I turned around and saw nothing but darkness. But then my dad turned on the light and there he was. He had a gun in his hand and my step mother and brothers were tied up on the floor. I could see that my stepmom had been crying.

Kevin stood behind me. His face as pale as a ghost.

"Well, I am here ain't I? Now let them go!" I demanded.

"Now, now. Don't get all rushy." He said. Seriously. He must be drunk again besause 'rushy' isn't even a real word. "You see, the problem is, that if I let them go, they will go to the cops. And we don't want that."

What is wrong with him? So he was just going to kill them anyways? Then why are they still alive? Now is not the time to ask questions, but to figure out a plan, Kelly! The voice in my head yelled.

I have to save them. I really have to.

"Now, who to kill first?" Dad asked looking at them.

"No!" I exclaimed before I could stop myself. I really hope I know what I am doing... "think about it. If you kill them you would be a wanted murderer. Then the police won't rest untill they find you."

My dad looked at me with interested eyes. "Go on." He said.

"And also you would be accused of ubduction. So just leave them. Because they won't go to the police, now will you?" I asked looking at my stepmom. She shaked her head wildly, tears streaming out of her eyes.

I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry aswell, but I have stay strong.

"See. They won't go to the cops." I said.

"I don't trust them" he said. "I think I wi-"

He was cut off by the sirens of police cars. I looked at Kevin. The blood drailing from my face. I didn't call them. Kevin looked just as pale as me.

"You called them! Didn't you!" My dad yelled sending shivers down my spine.

"No! I promise I..."

"Lier!" My dad yelled and pulled my stepmom to his side pointing the gun at her head.

"No!" I yelled and lashed out to my father. My father pulled the trigger, but before doing so, he aimed the gun at me.

Pain went through my body, as the bullet penetrated my flesh. Right at that moment the police crashed through the font door. The world was spinning and I lost my balance. Kevin caught me in his arms.

The last thing I heard was the cufs being put on my father, before my vision blured and I drifted off to sleep.



Well that was something... what do you think will happen to Kelly? Who do you think called the cops?
Well let me know!

Oh and what do you think about the new cover? Most of you have already seen it, but I still added a photo at the top.

Remember to vote and comment! Pleaaaaase!!!

With huge smiles...


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