chapter 6

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Pic of Alice Above :-)

Peter's POV.

Kevin agreed to my plan as soon as I finished telling him. We got out of the school hall and walked to the cafeteria. The place was packed with school childeren that was enjoying their lunch.

Somewhere in the crowd I spotted Kelly and Alice siting at a table. Yes, Alice is attending my school. She had recently moved back from Kanada and I introduced her to Kelly yesterday. They seem to enjoy eachothers company.

I walked over to them. A smile spread on kelly's face as soon as she saw me, but faded just that quikly when she saw Kevin.

I nodded at Kevin to boost his convidence.

"There you are, Peter!" Alice said when I was in hearing radius. "Who's that?" She asked pointing to Kevin.

"Kelly, may I please speak to you." Kevin said. Kelly narrowed her eyes asif he was going to do something stupid. Then she looked over to me with a worried expression and I nodded to tell her that everything will be fine.

She stood up and walked after Kevin to the ege of the cafeteria. I studied them closely. If he hurt her one more time I swear I will...

"What was that all about?" Alice asked ripping me from my toughts. I atually forgot that she was here.

"Oh, just sibling problems." I said and sat down. Taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"They do not look like siblings to me." Alice said. She looked over to them.

"Step brother and sister." I said matter of factly. "Her dad remarried."

"Ooooh." She said. "So? You and her huh? She would just not shut up about you." She said. I smiled at her comment.

"Yeah." I said.

"So, do you like her? Who made the first move? How did it happen? And kind of to think of it, how long do you two know eachother?" She asked all at once.

I smiled at her. She defanately did not change at Canada. She used to do this all the time with me when we were younger.

"Yes, I like her very much. She made the first move. She kissed me. And we know eachother a few days." I said looking over to Kelle and Kevin. Kelly huged herself and looked at her feet while Kevin used his hands to explain something.

"Only a few days!" Alice yelled making a few of the other childeren looking over at us. "You...... you ... I got nothing." She said.

I laughed at her. She was just so funny. Now I remember all over again why we were friends.

"Whats so funny, huh?" She said raising her eyebrows. Wich made me laugh even harder.

"Well, for starters, you suck with insults and that expression and voice is priceless." I laughed.

"Yeah, sure." Alice said. I looked over to Kelly and Kevin. Kelly threw her arms around him and huged him tightly. He huged her back, wich made me a lityle jealos.

Whoa! That is her step brother. I should not be jealos of him, and he is a nice guy, right??

The bell rang and we had to leave. Kelly did not come over to us but walked away with her brother actuall looking like the weight of the world has been lifted of her shoulders.


I was in home pereod waiting for the bell to signal the end of the day. I really wanted to talk to Kelly and find out what hapened. The teacher was explaining something about better behaviour but I did not care. In fact, I did not listen at all.

The bell rang and we all walked out. I walked through the crowded hallways to get out of the school. I walked out of the front doors and was greeted by the cool air.

I scanned the area looking for her. I looked into the direction of the football field and saw her walking towards me.

She had a big smile on her face and had a little scip in her walk. I stood there looking at her. I did not even notice that I had a smile on my face.

She came to me and threw her arms around me. She pressed her soft lips against mine. We kissed for a few seconds before she pulled away. She looked at me with her fawless face. She still had a huge smile an her face.

"And that big smile?" I asked.

"Thank you." She said. I frowned at her a little confused but then slowly a puzzile was forming in my head.

"For what?" I asked ceeping myself stupid.

"For helping me with my brother, silly!" She laughed. I was a little shocked that she knew that I helped her stepbrother.

"How-" I started. "How gid you know?" I asked.

"He told me everything." She said. "Oh and he said he will be joining us for lunch from now on. Well I mean if that is alright."

"Its fine." I said. It was the truth. I really did not care if he came to sit with us.

"Oh and me, Kevin and Alice is going to go Ice scating later tonight. Want to come?" She asked. I smile at her.

"I would not miss it for the world!" I said. Her smile widened and she kissed me one more time.

"8 o'clock, okey?" She said.

"Sure. See you then." I answered.

"Great, see you then bye!" She said and walked of.

"Bye!" I yelled and she turned her face to smile at me. I stood there like an idiot for the next few minutes. But I did not care. I was just so happy.

I walked to my car and sliped in. I started the car and drove of. I was as sure as hell that nothing can ruin this day.


Hey guys. I hope you like it.
Any favourate parts? Oh and I was thinking I would do a Kellys point of vew next. Tell me what you think.
And guys, the votes are still not up. Please vote! And guys, I feel like these short messages are a waste of my time, because none of you are comminting on what you think, or giving me ideas. Please guys.



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