Chapter 37

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Peter's POV

This week started fine on Monday, was boring on Tuesday and today, Wendsday, is filled with drama.

Alice was literrally running around the whole school like a crazed person, searching for Jhonny. She wants to break up with him after she found out that Alex told the trueth. And also, just a few minutes ago, she was complaining about Alex that isn't talking to her.

That girl is giving me a headache. I swear I am going to lash out and strangle her if she doesn't calm down this instant.

"ALICE!" I yell. That got her attension. She stoped and turned to look at me. Her hair was a mess. She looked like she didn't brush her hair for a month. "You need to calm down."

"I know, Peter!" She yells back. Some of the students in school looked around to see what is going on, but immedeately looked away when they saw Alice glaring at them. Alice may only be in the school for a few months, but the people just doesn't mess with her.

Alice yelled and speedwalked away, through the hallway, passing Kelly as she does that. Kelly looked at her with confusion written all over her face.

"What's up with her?" I turned my gaze to Kelly, and all my words got caught in my throat. She looked absilutely flawless. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a french braid, and she let it fall over her shoulder. She had a little makeup on, but I like her more without makeup. She was wearing a skinny jean, with black pumps and a light brown sweater that hugged her frame nacely.

"Peter?" She askes, snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine now." I smile at her, and snake my arms around her waist to pull her closer. "You look gorgeous." I say. I can see her blush slightly, making her look even more adorable.

"Thank you." She says and kisses me lightly on my cheek." So what's up with Alice?"

I shruged. "She wants to brake up with Jhonny so that she can get Alex's forgiveness." I say very casually. Kelly on the other looked shocked.

"What?!" She yelled, earning a few glances from the people in the hallway. "What do mean by 'get Alex's forgiveness' ?."

"Weeelll..." I started. "You see, Alex and Alice had a huge fight last week friday, and it came out that Alex is in love with Alice. But now Alex is mad at Alice. But the thing is that Alice actually loves Alex. Not Jhonny."

"Wow." Was the only thing that came out of Kelly's mouth. Then she boticed that my arms were around me and blushed. I smiled at her as she looked down to her feet. "Uhm, Peter."

"Yah?" I asked.

"You can let go of me now." She said softly.

"Why should I?" I asked. She snapped her head to mine and raised her eyebrows.

"You are soooooo irritating." She said and roled her blue eyes.

"But yet, you still love me." I smirked at her as she sighed and wraped her arms around my neck. She leaned in closer to me untill her mouth was at my ears.

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