Chapter 5

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PIC OF Kevin above ;》

Peter's POV.

Today was the best day of my life. Everything was just fantastic. Kelly atmitted that she liked me! And I mean that is great!

I was now at my house eating my dinner with my mother and Barry. It was a little acward but my mind was on a difrent place.

"You okey there Peter?" I hear my brother asking me.

"Huh? What?" I asked. I was so busy with my own thoughts I did not hear him ask me anything. Al I heard was 'blah... blah... blah... Peter.'

"It is that girl. Isn't it?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Sometimes I wish that I could just slap it right off his face.

"What girl?" My mother asked me. Pretending to care, but I know she didn't. She was just trying to make up for what apened last week.

"Nothing." I said. I really did not want them to know about my relasionship with Kelly. Barry would just try to ruin everything for me, like he always did. This one time, I had a girlfriend but then one night, I walked in on Barry and her sleeping together in his bed.

"I am going to bed." I said flatly and went to put my plate in the kitchen. When I wanted to leave, I was stoped by my mother. She stood in front of me trying to look intimedating, but I was already taller than her.

"Spill." She said to me.

I gave her a disgusted look. "Why do you care?" I said.

"Because I am your mo-"

"Let me stop you right there." I said puting my hand up geusturing for her to stop. "You do not care about me. You only cared about Barry and you always will. You are only trying to look asif you care, but truly, you do not. So save your breath."

She looked down ashamed. "Thought so." I said and walked past her up to my room. I took a quik shower and got into my bed.

I was so tyred and I only noticed it once I got into my bed. My head was barely on my pillow and I was already asleep.


Spanish was even worse than math. The teacher just stood up there in the front waving his hand around saying things I do not understand. Spanish may be the only subject that I am flunking.

I counted away the seconds and minutes. The bell finally decided to ring. I bolted for the door. I just wanted to get out of here. I walked over to my locker to get my lunch, but halfway there I was stoped by Kevin. Kelly's stepbrother who was born on the same day as she was.

"What?" I asked stubornly. I really did not have time for this.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Why?" I frowned. I was really not expecting this. He was friends with my brother. Why would he want to talk to me?

"Just follow me." He said. I was getting suspisious. Where was he going to take me? And why? I nodded and he speedwalked away. I followed him blindly.

We walked in the empty halls. (Since every one else was enjoying their lunch). He walked into the school hall and sat down at the nearest seat. He patted the seat next to him geusturing for me to sit down.

I hesitated but eventually sat down."so, what did you want to talk about?" I asked him. He was staring into the distance with his brown eyes. His brown hair was combed neatly and he had a little stubble on his chin.

"I am sorry." He said. I was confused. What did he mean?

"For what?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He jumped his leg up and down. That was probably a sighn that he was nervous.

"For just being mean in the hall the other day." He said flatly.

"Okey?" I said still confused at what was hapening. He turned his head so that he looked at me.

"Your brother told me that you were not cool, but then he ended up being the idiot. He pushed me out of his friends' group because I was not "cool" enough. And Kelly, well she would not stop talking about you. She talked to me and said that you are not that bad. But now she hates me!" He said.

"Why?" I said "why does she hate you?" I asked. I really wanted to know what hapened between them.

"Well you already know the part of me being her stepbrother." He started. "Well we kinde of had a huge fight friday and she said that she hated me, and that I will never be her brother."

I was shocked. I just could not imagene her saying that!

"Wow." I said. I really felt sorry for this guy.

"I was really trying to be the best brother to her, but I always just mess it up. I was just wondering if you could mabey talk to her, tell her that I am sorry? I just thought it will be the best option because of you, being her boyfriend and all." He said.

I did not know what to say, but I really wanted to help him. Here he was, opening up to me, asking for me to help him. I really felt sorry for him.

"You know what?" I said.

He raised his eyebrows. "What?" He asked.

"Why do you not tell her yourself?" I asked. I was not trying to be mean. It is just that she will like it more if he told her himself.

"What!" He said. "Why?"

"Because for her, it would mean more if you told her. If I told her she would still be mad at you for not telling her that you are sorry yourself." I said.

"You are right." He said looking down. "But what will I tell her?" He asked.

The gears in my head started to turn figuring out a plan.

"Okey," I started, " this is what you are going to do..." and I told him the plan.

So? What do you guys think? Any favourate parts??
Oh and guys, please vote. I do not have nearly as much votes as readers and that makes me sad. :-( Please guys.



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