Ending note (please read)

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So this is it.😭😭😢😭😢😭 Guys, I just want to tell you guys that it was an honour to write for you guys!

Firstly, I would like to thank each and every one of you guys! Thank you for supporting me through everything and all the tears and waiting. Thank you for not giving up on me and thank you for waiting for my updates... thank you for voting and commenting. I really, REALLY apreceate it!

Just once again, THANK YOU SOOOO MUTCH!!😊😊

Guys, now I just want to say that I wrote this book because some things happened in my life the past year. Not happy things though... but I also wrote it because I want to inspire you guys to never give up. I want you guys to remember: It is never to late to begin over.

I am sure that some of you guys can relate to Peter. He lost his sister when she was hit by a car. Then his father left them, which caused his mom to like Barry more because Peter looked more like his father. So Peter felt worthless and unloved. He was bullied at school, but he never gave up. That is what I want to tell you guys. Never. Ever. EVER. Give. Up.

Life is cruel, but if you give up, you won't ever see the good things in life. If you give up, you won't get a second chance, because to fail is a chance to try again.

Each and every one of you guys are perfect. Don't let anybody tell you something else. You are all made perfect. Don't compare yourself to someone else, because you are you. And nothing can change that. You are yourself and that is your superpower.

If you are going through something that is not very nice, or hurting you, I want you to know that you have my sympathy and feel free to private message me anytime.

Life is strange. It is cruel, but... it is amazing and beautiful.

"Don't be afraid to begin over, it's a chance for you get what you truly want"

Thank you so much, I really appreceate it! And remember, IT'S NEVER TO LATE TO BEGIN OVER!!!!!

~Jaco de Jongh


Completed: 2 December 2016 12:38

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