Chapter 36

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This amazing banner was made by regan_love04. Thank you so mutch! I really apreceate your effort, and guys she is writing a book called My kidnapper stole my heart. And it is amazing! Go check it out!


Alex's POV (one hour earlier.)

I sat on Jhonny's coutch and looked at the people dancing. They look like a buntch of animals. Somewhere in the crowd, I spot Peter and Kelly dancing. Those two just makes an amazing couple.

As I looked around, my eyes landed on Alice. The most beautyful girl I have ever seen. Just it's to bad that she is dating Jhonny. I don't like him. Yes it is probably shelfish of me for not liking him, but you know that time when you get a gut feeling that someone? Yah that is how I feel right now.

I look at her as she tries to talk to Jhonny, but he ignores her for some reason. This makes me mad, because that is his girl but he is to buisy with the blonde, Katy in front of him.

I stand up to go talk to Alice, but then she turns around and runs off upstairs. I swear I could see tears in her eyes. My eyes lands back onto Jhonny, still buisy with Katy. He didn't evin notice that his girl ran away.

I walk up to Jhonny, but just as I am about three meteres away from them, he pulls Katy closer to him and kisses her.

I freeze in my spot. The look on my face shows complete horror. But then my shock turns so rage.

I cough to get their attension. The both stop immedeately to look at me. Jhonny lookes a little shocked, but relaxes a little when he sees that it is just me. He probably thought that I am Alice. I glare at him and fold my arms over my chest.

"Uhm... Alex. I can explain. It's not what it looks like." He blurts out as fast as possible.

"Oh, great sure." I say in a relieved tone. He relaxes a little bit. "So it is not you cheeting on Alice?"

His eyes widen and he shakes his head a little to fast.

"So you don't mind me telling her that you and Katy were sucking eachothers faces off just now?" I say.

A smirk makes the way up to his face. "Oh, you can. But she won't beilieve you."

"And why is that?" I say, shooting daggers at his face. He steps closer to me, that his face was only a few inches away from mine. As he exhaled, I smelt alcohal. So this is why he is acting like this. He's wasted.

"Because she is gullible like hell. Just like all of your stupid friends." He says. Ok. Deffinately drunk. But you know what they say, the true feelings of a person comes out when they are drunk.

"F*uck you." I say with so mutch venom that he took a step back.

"Offer or demand?" He asks smirking. I really want to slap that smirk off of his face right now.

I roll my eyes and walk away from him. I go straight to the stairs and run, taking three steps at a time. I really want to talk to Alice and make sure that she is alright.

I walk down a long hallway and stop an a slightly ajar door. I peek inside, abd there sits Alice on the bed. She is looking out of the window, into the cloudless night. The stars are shining bright, casting a faint light over her face.

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