chapter 8

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Peter's POV

I smiled the moment Kelly walked in. I walked to her and gave her a hug. She had a huge smile on her face and looked as beautyful as ever.

"Hey Kel." I said to her. She looked up at me and her smile widened. Honistly I didn't think that it can get any wider, but it did.

"Hey Peter." She said. I frowned at her a litlle disapointed. "What?" She asked seeing my expression.

"No nicname for me?" I asked giving her puppy dog eyes. She laughed slightly at my comment. I really loved her cute laugh.

"Sorry, not today." She said winking at me. I smiled and pulled her close to me. I pressed my lips to hers. Unfortchenately, our kiss didn't last as long as I hoped. As alice inturupted us.

"Umm... do I get a hug aswell Kelly?" She asked.

"Hi Alice." She said giving her a hug. I wraped my arm around Kelly and we walked to the scate hire booth. I got us both scates and I helped her put hers on. She smiled at me with her perfect white teeth. She started to shiver. But I could not blame her, it was freesing in here.

"You cold?" I asked and she nodded softly. "Here." I said giving her my jacket. She took it and gladly put it on. Her smile was so big right now, I swear it was touching her ears.

"Thanks" she said softly. I smiled. I really, really liked her. She was the best thing that hapened to me. I linked our fingers and took her to the ice.

Before she got on she just stoped dead in her tracks. She looked at the ice horrified, asif it would jump at her and hurt her.

"Hey. Whats wrong?" I asked her. She turned her head to look at me then looked back at the ice.

"Nothing." She stated. I frowned at her. This was really not just 'nothing'. I walked up to the front of her and put my hands on her shoulders. She looked up at me with a scared expression.

"Whats wrong?" I asked softly. I smiled at her and she returned it softly.

"I told you, nothing." She said smiling a little. Something was defanately wrong.

"Hey Peter. Are you coming or what?" Alice asks me. She was already on the ice, and she was really good. Well, alot better than what she was.

"In a sec." I said and she nodded. Turning all of my attension to Kelly, I could see she worried about something. "This is not nothing." I said matter of factly.

She sighed and looked at me. "I.... I can't scate." She said to me looking at her shoes. This is what all this was about? All this trouble just because she couldn't scate. I smiled a litte and lifted her chin up so she would look at me.

"I can teach you." I said. I couldn't get the grin of my face.


"No buts. I will teach you. And you will enjoy it." I said. She tought about it a second. "Oh and remember... I already paid for your scates..." I said.

"Fine." She said smiling at me. I took her hand and led her onto the ice. She immedeately gripped the side, so she won't fall.

I smiled at her. She was so cute on the ice. Trying to stay up, but strugeling.

She sliped and almost fell. I grabbed her and pulled her to me but that caused us to fall down. I fell on my back and she landed on top of me. I could feel the air get hit out of me.

"Ouch." I said. She lifted her head and look shocked.

"I am so, so, so sorry!" She said wich caused me to laugh. A minute later we were both still on the freezing ice, laughting hard. I got up and helped her on her feet.

"Now I am all wet." I said to her and she started to giggle. She sliped again but I caugt her again. Luckely it didn't end up in both of us falling on the ice again.

"Are you afraid of a little cold?" She asked me in a mocking tone. I lifted my eyebrows at her as she started lo laught. "Your face! It was priceless." She said laughting even harder. I roled my eyes at her and looked around.

The place was a little more crowded, with more people on the ice. There were a few kids at the small shop. Probably bying some sweets or something.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her and gaver her my hand. She hesitated for a moment before nodding and taking my hand.

I took her other hand as well and started to skate backwards, so I can look at her. She just froze and her body tensed. I could see the panic in her eyes.

"Hey, look at me." I said smiling at her. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a nervous smile. I could feel her hands shaking in mine, but I just cept on smiling at her.

We stoped in the middle of the ice rink. "I am going let go now." I said to her.

"Wait what?" She asked as I sliped my hands out of hers. She just froze and stood there. I looked at her. "How did you learn to skate like that?" She asked.

"Fine, I'll teach you." I said.

"Why are You are saing that asif it is a problem." She pointed out. I laughed slightly at her comment. She was just too cute when she was nervous.

"Okey... where to begin?" I asked looking at her.

"How about..." she began. "At the begining." She said. I chukled at her and started to tell her all the basicks she needed to know...


A few hours later we walked off of the ice. I was so tyred and just wanted to sleep. It was almost ten o'clock and I needed to get home.

"Thank you for trying to learn me how to skate." Kelly said to me. I lifted my eyebrows at her.

"Its my pleasure." I said bowing slightly. She laughed at me when we were inturupted.

"Bye guys." Alice said to us as she walked away. I roled my eyes at her. She is a vere starange person.

"Bye Peter. We need to get home." Kelly said. I huged her slightly and gaver her a peck on the lips before we broke loose.

"Bye." I said smiling to her. She walked off just when my phone buzed. I took it out of my pocket just to find a message from Barry.

~dude. Where the f*** are you? Mum is getting worried!~

Aaaaand, there my day was ruined.


Soooooooooooooooo? What do you think?
Any favourate parts? I have one   ;)

Thank you guys for the few votes I am getting and plese tell me what you think. Oh and if you see a spelling error... please tell me. Because it is slightly embarrising if you do have spelling errors....



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