chapter 12

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Peter's POV

We pulled up in my driveway after a few minutes of scilence. I got out and helped Kelly get out of the car. It was raining now and I was already soaking wet. The cold rain fell on my skin. Making me shiver.

Kelly took one step but stumbled to her knees and bursted out in tears. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my front door. She wraped her arms around my neck, clinging on to me for dear life.

"I'm such a mess." She mumbled as we reached the font door. I walked into the house and sat her on a chear in the kitchen. That was when I first noticed all the blood on her arms. Her arms were covered in small cuts and bruises.

"What did he do to you?" I asked softly. She just lowered her head and let her hair cover her face.

"Peter, who is tha...." Emily started. But stoped immedeately when she saw the blood. "Oh my." She covered her mouth with her hand in shock.

"Go get the first aid kit in the bathroom. Now!" I yelled and she nodded storming off into the direction of the bathroom. "Hey, Kels."

She lifted her haid slightly to meet my eyes. "Everything will be allright, okey." I said to her as a tear roled down her cheek. My mother walked into the kitchen and stoped dead in her tracks when she saw Kelly's bleeding arms. Shock immedeately took over her face.

"What... hapened?" She asked in a shaky voice. I sent her a glare from across the room as she steped closer to us. "Dear, what hapened." She asked looking at Kelly.

Kelly looked up for a few seconds before dropping her gaze. "She fell into glass. That is what had cut her." I said. Kelly sent me a glare. But my mom, she used to be a nurse, so she would know what to do.

Emily came back with the first aid kit and mom took it from her. Her head already in work mode. She took the tweesers but before she could use it, I grabed her arm. She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Listen Peter. I know you don't trust me, in almost everything. But I need you to trust me now, so I can help her." She said softly. She is right. As much as I hate atmitting it she is. I nodded and my mother went back to working.

Kelly flinched every now and then when my mother pulled out a piece of glass. But after a feww minutes, my mom had her arms cleaned and bandaged.

"There." My mother says as she ties the last bandage. I don't know how much time had passed but suddenly I was tyred. "She needs to rest, Peter." My mo said. I nodded and picked Kelly up and carried her to my room.

I am so glad that the houseceeper cleaned up my room. I was never a messy person, but this morning I didn't have time to clean everything up. I placed Kelly on my bed and crouched down so I can look her in the eyes.

"Talk to me." I said. Her sad eyes met mine.

"What is there to talk about?" She asked in an irretated tone. "My father tried to rape me, Peter. Rape!" She yelled, tears flodding her eyes.

I didn't know what to say. I really didn't. My girlfriend. In tears because her father tried to do things with her that no father should do to any child. I thought my life was bad. But it just wasn't. Her life was ten times worse.

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