Chapter 43

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                                                           ~you don't have

to change a thing
The world should change
Its heart~

Kelly's POV.

Pain. That is all I feel. My head is pounding, my arms and legs feel paralysed, and my stomach is burning. My throat is dry and I desperately need a glass of water.

I open my eyes and immedeately regret it as the bright light coming from somewhere hurts my eyes. Oh great, just another thing that I can add to the list of things in my body that hurts.

I groan and try to sit up, but someone stops me. I squint my eyes and try to see who is holding me down. Kevin.

"Hey Kelly." He says. "You need to rest. You just got out of surgery and the doctor said that it would be best if you just, lied down and rest for the whole day."

I frown. "Surgery?" I ask. My voice sounds hoarse.

"Kelly, do you know where you are?" He asks. I look at him, that is the first time I notice the beeping of my heart monitor, and the pale room, all of the tubes pressed into my arm.

"In the hospital?" I say, but it came out more like a question. He nods. "What happened?"

"You were in a car accident." He says. Just then, the door to my hospital room bursts open and a nurse comes in with a doctor. My mom is following after them with my two step brothers either side of her.

"I'm glad to see you are awake." The doctor says. The nurse comes over to me and shines a bright light into my eyes. "I am doctor Edwards. The crash caused you severe damage to your left arm and your stomach. We had to operate on your arm and on your stomach. You have a concushon and needed stiches on your forehead. Do you know what happened?" He asks.

I blink a few times, trying to process the information. "Um, w-we were in a car accident. All I remember is sitting in the car, and then another car smashed into us."

"Okay." He says. "Kelly I'll leave you now to be with your family and friends." He nods at my mom and then leaves. I turn to my mom and look at her with teary eyes.

"Mom." I say. She lets out a sob. She then leans into me and hugs me. My other two brothers does the same. Kevin just looks at me.

"We called your friends, told them you were awake." My mom says. "They're on their way." She says. I nod. "How are you feeling?"

"Water." I croak out. She nods and hands me a glass filled with icy liquid. I gulp it down and sigh with the relief it brings to my throat. "My arm hurts." I say truthfully. Then a thought comes to my mind. How could I have been so selfish? "Peter?"

I immedeately see Kevin's face drop. He looks at my mom. "Peter, h... he is in a coma." I feel my heart drop into my stomach. Tears start to blur my vision. I just got back with him. Just to loose him again.

I want to say something, but the door bursts open and Emily walks in with her brother, Ben, and Peter's mom and step dad, Paul.

"KELLY! Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you're okay!" She yells and hugs me. I flinch with the pain, and she notices it. She pulls away. "Sorry."

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