chapter 2

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Pic of Peter above ;-)


~I won't,
Let you hit me down
I'll keep getting up
When I hit the ground,
I won't ever give up.

Peter's POV.

The day have gone by pretty fast. Kelly and I are just going to the office to get her a locker in lunch time. She is a great person. I really learned a lot about her like she came from New York and loves to read. She is a huge fan of flowers and loves Imagine Dragons.

"Right your locker number is 1883." The lady at the desk says.

"Thank you ma'am." Kelly says and we walk out. Her locker is just two lockers from mine so now we can meet here every day. I really like her. She is probably the only person on this earth who likes me, and I really appreciate that.

"Soo. Who's your new friend?" A voice says behind me. I don't recognise the voice and frown. I turn around to find a tallish thin guy with straight brown hair. He is looking at Kelly witch probably means he is talking to her.

"Get lost Kevin." She says sternly in an irritated voice. I look at her confused and she gave me a look as if saying,' I will tell you later '. I nod and looked at a figure aproaching us.

Oh no. Please don't be him. Please not now.

"Hey, litlle brother. I see you have met my new friend Kevin." Barry says with his irritating smirk I hate soooooo mutch!!

"What do you want Barry?" I glare at him, hoping he would just get the message that I don't want to see him.

"Oh no trouble. I just want-"

"You are a PITA, you now that" I tell him. He looks at me confused. Well everybody here looked a little confused.

"A what?" He asks me, tilting his head to the left, like he always does when he is utterly confused.

I smile knowing he does not know what a PITA is. "A PITA. P-I-T-A. It means pain in the ass. Now leave." I say sternly. He fakes a hurt expression and puts a hand over his heart.

"Now that hurt little brother. C'mon Kev. Let's go." He says and they walk down the hallway to the cafiteria. Man how I hate that guy. Sometimes I fell like I want to claw his eyes out. And murder him afterwords.

"What was that about?" I ask Kelly. She is so quiet it scared me a little. Her eyes were fixed on the doorway where Barry and Kevin went through.

"Nothing." She says a little to quikly and went back to sorting out her locker. I frown at her. It seems like she knows that guy, what's his name? Kevin.

"That didn't look like nothing to me. Looks like you two know eachother." I look at her. She stops for a moment to look at me and then turns back to her locker.

She sighs before she starts to talk. "Kevin is my step brother. And he likes to irritate me. And the worst of all. We were born on the same day, so everybody says we are twins but we are not from the same mother." She says. "And you and that Barry guy?"

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