chapter 10

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I climbed into my treehouse. Our Dad built this for us when we were younger but now that we are older, I am the only one using it. I usually came here when I wanted to be alone to think. And right now, I want to be alone to think.

But as usual, the world just has to ruin my plans.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her. Emily. The last person I want to see right now. She looked at me with a hurt expression. Her eyes were bloodshed and her cheeks were still wet of the freshly fallen tears.

"Funny thing, I was about to ask you the same thing." She said cheekely. I was really not in the mood for this right now. She just came into my house and just came to MY treehouse. MY special place and just thinks she can stay here.

"Are you going to sit or what?" She asked. I hesitated before I sat down. "Sit it is." She said.

Now that I got a good look at her, I actually noticed who she was. She was in my school. Just one year younger than me.

"What are you doing in my treehouse?" I asked her. Looking down. I don't want to look her in the eyes. I was mad at her. I knew none of this was her fault. I should actually be happy. I am going to have a new father. Now I won't be left out.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you name on it." She said sarcasticly. Now I was fuming.

"Listen. I do not have time for your stupid little game you are playing. But I am not in a good mood and I sugest you don't give me attitude." I said to her. She looked at me than shaked her hed frustrated.

"Do you think I wanted this?" She snapped. "None of this is my fault! And you should knkw that. I hate the fact of my father remarrying and getting two new stepbrothers. And the worst part is that you stupid brother is the guy who have been trying to get into my pants almost for two weeks now. And yes. I go to the same school as you! But now I have to live with a man slut and a depressed nerd. So don't go and treat me like crap. Then I would not treat you like crap. Okey?"

Wow. I did not expect that from her. She was known as the school softy. The goodie two shoes who always hepled a person in need. But now I see that she actually just like the rest of us.

"I'm sorry. I'm just mad at my mother because she treated me like crap and now she expects me to be happy for her." I said softly. She looked up at me with sad eyes and put her hand on mine.

I looked at her and she smiled weakly.

"I know how you feel. Just, my father isn't treating me like crap. I just can't be happy for him. I just can't believe he would betray my mother like this." She said softly.

"I know how you feel." I mumbled to myself. We sat in silence for the next few minutets. Just looking out of the small treehouse window.

"Emily?" I heard a voice call. I immedeately knew it was Ben, her brother. "Emily where are you?"

"Over here Ben!" She called back. I heard him climbing up the steps. A few moments later his head peaked through the door of the treehouse. He looked at me confused and then tilted his head to his sister

"Sooo um... I hope I am not interupting something." He said acwardly.

"What! No!" Emily yelled. I could see her blushing.

"We were just talking." I said not looking at him. I geuss he must have seen that I am not happy because the next thing I know, he was standing in front of me.

"Listen to me." He said as I looked up at him. "We are all not that happy about this, but it will all turn out fine."

He smiled softly before looking back at Emily. "Dad told me that we are staying over for the weekend. And its getting late, so he told me to come get you." I snapped my head in his direction. Did he just say that they were staying over for the weekend?

"What did you just say?" I asked him

He looked at me confused. "I should come get you." He stated.

"No before that." I said irretated.

"That we are staying over the weekend?" He asked me confused. Roght now, I was fuming. How could my mother do this to us? We did not even know she wasseeing someone!

"Grate." I mumbled and got out of the treehouse. I walked back into my house and saw that the dining room was empty. I walked to the stairs. Unfrochunately, to get to the stairs, you have to go through the living room.

"Ah, Peter honey there you are." I herd my mother say. I stoped dead in my tracks and balled my fists. I was so mad at her right now. "Please do join us for some tea."

"Oh, so now suddenly you talk to me AND make me tea?" I snapped. I looked at her.

"What are you talking about Peter?" She asked.

"Oh you of all people know what I am talking about!" I yelled. I saw Paul's eyes growing at my yelling. He looked at my mother confused. "You don't talk to me unles you want help or want something from me! And now that your boyfriend is over you act all nice and caring. Well geus what Paul, you are in for a huge surprise!"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" My mother snapped. She had tears in her eyes. "That was all your fathers fault when he left me!"

"No mom. You acted like this even before he left." I said sadly. "Don't talk to me. At all." I said before running up the stairs.

"Peter wait!" I herd my mother yell. But I ignored her. I ran to my room and slammed my door shut and locked it. I was so tyred of my mother blaming everythind on my father. She treated me like crap even before he left. But Barry? No he was treated like every mother should treat all of their childeren.

A few moments later there was a faint nock on my door but I ignored it and went to bed.


The next morning I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing next to me.

I looked at the screen. Kelly.

"Hey why are you calling this early in the morning?" I asked.

"First of all Peter, its twelve o'clock and second of all... I need help! Please come now!" She said. Icould hear the panick in her voice.

"Kelly, whats go-" I was cut off by her when she hang up. I didn't know what was going on. But I did know that kelly needed me.


Soo? What do you think hapened to Kelly?

Oh and please tell me what you guys think and vote please.

And most of you guys already know that I am busy studying for my exams, so this is probably the last chapter I will post, for now😉😉😉😄😄😅😅
So don't worry. But please be patiant I will update as soon as my exams are obver.



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