Chapter 28

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Peter's POV.

"I love you, Peter" Kelly says next to me.

I stare at her figure in front of me, I can see her ears turning red. A smile creeps onto my lips. I am so happy right now. My heart starts to beat faster.

"Wha- what did you say?" I ask. I am really stunned for those words to come out of her mouth first, because I had this whole date thing planned for tomorrow where I would've told her that I love her.

She sighed and turned around to face me. She placed her one hand on my chest, over my heart. That made my heart go faster.

"I said that I love you." She said softly.

"No. You can't be in love with me." I said to her, making her head snap up to look at me. Her face held complete shock and hurt.

"Wha- why not?" She asked in a shakey voice.

"Because I'm madly in love with you." I say as I leaned in and kissed her. This wasn't like tge other kisses we shared. It was more gentle, more passionate, filled with love.

I pulled away and placed my forehead on hers.

"I love you, Kelly Underwood."


I wake up the next morning with the sun streaming through my window. Kelly is still curled up in my arms next to me. Her face was burried in my neck, and her hands were resting on my chest.

She stured and looked up at me. She smiled and streched her arms.

"We need to get ready." I tell her as I slip out of my bed.

"Get redy for what?" Sha asked as she also slipped out of my bed and looked at me with a puzzeled expression.

"For our date of cource." I say in a matter of factly tone. She smiles at me and takes her bag and walk into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, and I could hear the water of the shower being turned on.

I walked to my wardrobe and picked out a black tee and my usual jeans. My eye sighed is blury as my contact lenses is inside the bathroom. After picking out a black jacket, I picked up my glasses and placed them over my eyes.

It has been a while since I wore them, but I actually like the contact lenses more. Well, I mean, who won't like the contact lenses more? Probably people who has a problem with contact lenses, or the contact lenses hurts them... a voice in my head yelled.

I sighed and sat back onto my bed. Just as I sat down, someone decided that now's a great time to ring the doorbell.

I groaned and and got up.

"I got it!" I yelled as I walked down the hall. I walked down the stairs and stood in front of the door.

"Who is it?" Emily asked and peecked around the corner. I shruged and opened the door. The two people standing at the door is Alex and Jhonny.

"Hey guys. What brings you here?" I ask them. The both just smiled at me.

"Well, we wanted to meet this Emily. We heard that she's your step sis." Alex said matter of factly.

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